Out with the old in with the NEW
What's with all this STRUCTURE?
Break it down and DECONSTRUCT
Let's get PSYCHO about literary analysis
You can't forget about the people!

Detailed and careful interpretation of a text, paying attention to the text itself and the literal words on the page. 

What is close reading? 


The philosophical study of the structures of experience and consciousness. 

What is phenomenology?


The idea of deconstruction asks us to _____ _____ the text to decipher new meanings.  

What is take apart? 


Described as the cauldron of basic impulses and drives in their primitive and unorganized state of being.

What is the id? 


A French psychoanalyst who re-describes the Oedipus complex as the "Father's No" and theories that when this "Father's No" interrupts the imaginary, it casts the infant into the symbolic.  

Who is Jacques Lacan? 


Thinking that we can know what the author intended and using it as evidence for interpretation. 

What is the Intentional Fallacy? 


This is the key idea of Structuralism that states that we interpret the world by juxtaposing different concepts against each other and in return can note the difference between concepts. 

What is binary opposition?


Deconstructionists focus on language itself and see everything as _________, meaning it steers away from the study of literal use of words. 

What is figurative? 


In psychoanalytic literary criticism, often we consider characters as ________, instead of reminding ourselves they are only within the text. 

What are people? 


The founder of the branch of psychology, psychoanalysis, who spoke on many concepts including the unconscious, repression, polymorphous perversity, castration anxiety, and the Tripartite Model of the Psyche. 

Who is Sigmund Freud? 


New Critics found themselves in a search for a professional identity derived from scholarly engagement, like those in the sciences. 

What is Science Envy? 


This diagram that represents the concept that to understand the part, we have to understand the whole. And understand the whole, we need to understand the part.

What is the Hermeneutic Circle? 


The deconstruction method of considering a work from an eccentric perspective rather than only considering what anchors a text.  

What is decentering? 


In “The Art of Translation” by Benjamin Alire Sáenz, . Nick used _________ after his trauma by refusing to speak and losing the ability to speak. He realized during his encounter with Sylvia that he had never spoken to anyone about what happened, not even his family.

What is repression? 


A Swiss linguist who set out to describe the overall system of language and emphasized language as a system of signs rather than a list of words that apply to objects.   

Who is Ferdinand de Saussure? 


In Zora Neale Hurston’s “Sweat”, we see the snake as a symbol of poison but also medicine. This shows the formal element of ________. 

What is paradox? 


In Kate Chopin’s "Désirée’s Baby", we see the story through the consciousness of Madame Valmondé followed by Désirée, then Armand, and ends with the omniscient narrator. These shifts demonstrate changes in ____________. 

What is focalization? 


French philosopher Jean Baudrillard proposed an influential model that aligns with a deconstructionist. He states that the _______ is an imitation of the real that ends up being more real than the real. 

What is the hyperreal? 


The concept that refers to the many forms of desire we are all born with that then correlates to the fact that people are not born with any specific sexual or gender identity. 

What is polymorphous perversity?


The founding figure and the intellectual force behind deconstruction who developed a form of semiotic analysis, a study of signs and symbols and their use for interpretation. 

Who is Jacques Derrida? 


This formal element refers to having suggestively multiple and unsettled meanings. In Kate Chopin’s "Désirée’s Baby" the ending shows this concept. Do Désirée and the baby die? Did Armand know his ethnicity prior? What happens after Désirée enters the bayou? 

What is ambiguity? 


Under _________ in structuralism we can look at the four categories; embedding, reliability, focalization, and discourse. 

What is narration?


Diana Fuss describes a weakness in ________ by looking with suspicion on arguments based on experience, such arguments beginning with statements like "As a woman, I think", "As a Latina, I think" ... 

What is essentialism? 


The process in dreams where multiple wishes are merged into fewer more acceptable wishes.  

What is condensation?


An author who's work is remarkable for its frank description of women's sexuality, a subject rarely discussed in the literature of her era. She became a subject of controversy after publishing "The Awakening" and suffered social ostracism because of it. 

Who is Kate Chopin?
