Random Facts
Classmates Random Facts
Fitness Proposals
Fitness Proposals Continued
Fitness & Life Stages

This person drinks diet coke and plays video games...

Who is Kate or Laurie?


This classmate loves softball and crocheting..

Who is Izzy?


According to Fit and Well textbook, what are 7 steps to creating a fitness proposal?

1.Set Goals

2.Select Activities

3.Target Frequency, Intensity, and Time (duration)

4.Mini Goals and Activities

5.Strategies to Reduce Sedentary Lifestyle

6.Monitor Progress



4. Mini-goals and ______ are important parts of a fitness proposal

4.Mini-goals and Rewards

•Break specific goals into several steps.

•Set a target date for each step.

Avoid exercise in the ______ position after the first trimester. 


Give another tip for pregnant women wanting to exercise.

•See physician about modifications needed for your pregnancy.

•Mild to moderate exercise routines at least 3 times a week.

•Favor non- or low-weight-bearing exercises.

•Avoid exercise in a supine position after the first trimester.

•Avoid exercise that causes loss of balance, especially in 3rd trimester.

•Avoid activities involving extremes in barometric pressure.

•Drink plenty of fluids and exercise in well-ventilated areas to avoid heat stress, especially during the first trimester.

•Do 3 to 5 sets of 10 Kegel exercises daily.

•After giving birth, resume pre-pregnancy exercise routines gradually, based on how you feel.


This person is a boss and works 2 jobs while going to school.

Who is Nevaeh or Laurie?


This person would have been an RA, but they have plans to study abroad in Spain and elsewhere...

Who is Hannah?


Before you set fitness goals, what should you do as a baseline?

Do a physical assessment test to identify strengths and areas for improvement...

What you have been doing with each lab assignment... assessing strength, cardio, flexibility, etc.


What do you need to be cautions about with fitness rewards?

What makes a good reward?

  • Align with your goals: Choose rewards that support your fitness journey and don't undermine your efforts (e.g., avoid using food as a reward if trying to lose weight). 

  • Align with your goals: Choose rewards that support your fitness journey and don't undermine your efforts (e.g., avoid using food as a reward if trying to lose weight). 
  • Make it attainable: Set small, achievable goals with corresponding rewards to maintain motivation. 
  • Variety is key: Rotate through different types of rewards to keep things interesting. 
3 Fit and Well recommendations for older adults putting together a fitness proposal are...

•Follow guidelines for aerobic exercise as younger adults, but judge intensity on a 10-point scale of perceived exertion rather than by heart rate.

•Use a lighter weight for strength training and perform more (10 to 15) repetitions than young adults.

•Perform flexibility exercises at least 2 days per week for at least 10 minutes.

•Drink plenty of water and avoid exercising in excessively hot or cold environments.

•Warm up slowly and carefully.

•Cool down slowly, continuing very light exercise until the heart rate is below 100.

•If you cannot meet the recommended 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise, do as much exercise as possible.


This person likes to fish outside of school and volunteers regularly...

Who is Jackson or Laurie?


This person is a twin...

Who is Monroe?


Goals should be what?.. According to Fit and Well.

General and specific.

Short-term and long-term


Lifestyle often gets in the way of physical activity. What are lifestyle barriers for you generation?

Sedentary barriers:

1. Social media

2. Poor sleep habits

3. Overbooked


If you have arthritis, you should be cautious about...

•For cardiorespiratory endurance exercise, avoid high-impact activities that may damage arthritic joints.


This person plays piano and is from Kentucky.

Who is Anthony?


This person does sound design for podcasts and could possibly be classified as having entomophobia?

Who is Noah?

And according to Noah, he doesn't want to turn into a bug.


Two parts:

1. For your team to get the points, you all must do a chair sit for 1 minute.

2. Chair wall sits help with...

Chair wall sit:


Chair wall sits help with building core strength, stability, and endurance.


What are ways to help improve fitness commitment?

1. Create a contract and sign it. Keep it visible.

2. Get a workout partner/group


Three exercise recommendations for individuals with asthma.

•Exercise regularly.

•Carry medication during workouts and avoid exercising alone.

•Warm up and cool down slowly to reduce the risk of acute attacks.

•When starting an exercise program, choose self-paced endurance activities.

•Educate yourself about situations that can trigger an asthma attack and act accordingly when exercising.


This person is a musician and won a Jazz fest contest in PA.

Who is Vincent?


Take this person for tacos and long walks outside, and they are blissful!

Who is Barbie or Laurie... anyone else want tacos?


Challenge the other team to one of the following:

1. Plank (one arm, one foot)

2. Chair wall sit

3. Toe Touch

1. Plank (one arm, one leg): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ry4ioJ0K34w

2. Chair wall sit

3. Toe Touch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pM0SWr1peA


Your team must teach how to do a correct

1. Side Plank

2. Lumbar rotation stretch

What do these activities improve?

1. Side Plank: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TeASd9tmqo

Core strength and stability.

2. Lumbar Rotation Stretch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI51zRzgIe4

Stretching and flexibility


Three exercise recommendations for someone with diabetes...

•Do not begin an exercise program unless your diabetes is under control and discussed safety with your physician.

•Don’t exercise alone.

•If you take insulin or another medication, adjust the timing and amount of each dose as needed.

•To prevent the abnormal absorption of insulin injected, inject it into a muscle that will not be exercised and wait at least an hour before exercising.

•Check your blood sugar before, during, and after exercise.

•If you have poor circulation or numbness in your extremities, check your skin regularly for blisters and abrasions.

•For maximum benefit and minimum risk, choose moderate-intensity activities.
