Muscles and Bones
S.P.O.R.T. Principles
F.I.T.T. Principles
Fitness Components
To increase workload demand for improvements in performance
What is the correct anatomical name for the muscle of your bottom
Glutemus Maximus
List the five S.P.O.R.T principles?
Specificity Progression Overload Reversibility Tedium
The F.I.T.T. principle is applied to which S.P.O.R.T principle
Principle of overload
What is health related fitness
This is your ability to become and stay physically fit.
How can tedium affect a players performance?
The player is bored. If a player is bored, they may not be motivated and therefore their levels of effort may be reduced affecting the overall effectiveness of the training session and their improvements in fitness.
What is the anatomical name for the knee cap?
In order to increase fitness, the human body must be subjected to greater stresses than the ones to which it is accustomed. What principle is this?
Principle of overload
What are the four elements of the F.I.T.T. principle
Frequency Intensity Time Type
Name the five sport/skill related components of fitness
Speed Agility Muscular Power Coordination Balance
What is agility? Provide an example of where agility is used in a sport
The ability to change and control the direction and position of the body while maintaining control. Agility is used in AFL where you need to quickly change direction to move around the defence
What are two functions of the skeleton?
Providing the body with a framework Protecting organs Providing attachment sites for muscles Acting as levers to provide movement with muscles Storing essential nutrients (bones) Producing red blood cells (bone marrow)
Also known as the 'use it or loose it' principle
Principle of reversibility
What does F stand for and what is it?
Frequency. How often you train
List the five health related components of fitness
Cardiovascular endurance Muscular strength Muscular endurance Flexibility Body composition
John has decided to take his cycling more seriously and is planning a training programme to improve his performance. As part of his training he goes to the gym. a) Which of the following cardiovascular machines would be most appropriate for him to use? Rowing machine, Treadmill or Exercise bike b) Which principle of training does this relate to?
a) Exercise bike is the most appropriate cardiovascular machine to use.? b) This relates to the principle of specificity.
What are the two components of the musical-skeletal system?
Bones and Muscles
This principle holds that in order for specific outcomes to occur, training exercises must be specific to those outcomes. Name this principle
Principle of Specificity
Over a 10 week training program how would you apply F.I.T.T to improve the fitness of a year 7 basketball team.
Frequency – increase how often you train. Intensity – increase how hard you train. Time (or duration) – increase how long you train for. Type – change the kind of training you do.
The stork stance tests which health related component of fitness?
Katie is 16, and plays hockey to a good standard. Read the following extract in which she describes her training. 'At present, I am training three times a week, every week, but at first I only went once a week. I use a couple of different methods of training, but I make sure that I focus on tasks appropriate for my activity. At the end of each session, I plan the next one, gradually increasing the amount of work that I do when I think it’s becoming too easy.' a) State four principles of training she applies. b) For each of the principles you have identified, give an example from the extract to support your answer ?
Progression – she trained once a week at first and has progressed to three times a week.? Tedium – she uses a couple of different methods of training.? Specificity – she focuses on tasks appropriate to her activity.? Overload – she increases the work she does when it gets too easy so that overload is always achieved.
During our fitness testing we tested our core strength by seeing how many sit ups we can do in 30 seconds. What is the major muscle group you are using in this test?
Jenna has been swimming 10 laps of the pool everyday before work for one month. Using the SPORT principles, list the training principles not being used and how this affects her fitness.
Progression- gradually increasing the amount of exercise you do Overload- Increasing frequency, intensity, time, type Tedium- boredom
You have been training Katie every week. Katie has been wearing a heart rate monitor during her training sessions and has been working at a steady heart rate of 140 beats per minute. In next training session you want Katie to increase her intensity and want her to increase her heart rate by 10%. What heart rate should Katie be working in the next training session?
154 beats per minute
What is the most importance component of fitness for a gymnast performing on the beam? a) cardiovascular endurance b) muscular Power c) balance d) speed
c) balance