Expert Testimony
Cross-Disciplinary Education
Amicus Curiae Briefs
Broad Dissemination of Research Findings
Influencing Legislatures and Public Policy

experts are people who have acquired specialized knowledge through education and experience and are called to testify in courts and educate the jury





What is the role of experts in the legal system?




law students exposed to psychology

What is one example of Cross-Disciplinary Education?


reports put together by a person or a group that gives a lot of information (research based) to the courts

What are Amicus Curiae Briefs?


If scientific findings were made more accessible 


How can the public gain an understanding of psychological knowledge in the legal system?                                 







The Innocence Project

What is one organization that can influence legislature and public policy based on wrongful conviction research findings?


Judges are gatekeepers. Their purpose in the legal system is to evaluate if the science of the testimony is valid enough to be heard at trial.


What is the purpose of gatekeepers and who are they?


psychology and law 



What are 2 disciplines that face controversy in Cross-Disciplinary Education?




The amicus curiae brief 








What is “friend of the court” brief referring to




popular media

continuing education for legal professions

research data/findings open to the public

What are three ways for Broad Dissemination of Research Findings?


Brown v. Board of Education (1954).

What is the case name of the first supreme court case to use research provided by social scientist?


Includes three cases, Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals (1993), General Electric Co. v. Joiner (1997), and Kumho Tire Ltd. v. Carmichael (1999). These cases expanded the role of the judge as gatekeeper.


What is the Daubert trilogy?




the purpose of the Cross-Disciplinary Education is to provide different types of training to careers in law and psychology

What is the purpose of the Cross-Disciplinary Education?


Amicus curiae briefs

What is more expensive to prompt, amicus curiae briefs or expert testimony?


Time magazine can feature a particular study and due to its popularity, the study will have a bigger audience and can influence the law quicker than a social science journal would.

What is one way popular media can impact the law?


The Organization, APLS was founded in 1969 by psychologists who were interested in the legal system

What is the American Psychology-Law Society (APLS)?


Rule 702 gives judges more discretion.



What is Rule 702?


The goal is to summarize the relevant research and to clarify the overall meaning of a set of findings



What is the goal of Amicus Curiae Briefs?


Judges can typically be politically conservative and view social scientists as politically liberal

What is one reason some judges do not engage or embrace in social scientific research?
