What is the picture representation for Impact of Illness?
Hammer shattering a jar vase.
What is the picture representation of the Life is Limited stage ?
Person sitting watching TV.
What is the picture representation of the Change is Possible stage?
Two hands holding a flame of hope.
What is the picture representation of the Commitment to Change stage?
Man walking again supported by parallel bars.
What is the picture representation of the Actions for Change stage?
Fence door swinging open with road ahead.
What is the quote to go along with the Impact of Illness stage?
"shattering of one's world, hopes, dreams"
What is the quote to go along with the Life is Limited stage?
"we both gave up - giving up was a solution"
What is the quote to go along with the Change is Possible stage?
"fragile flame of hope and courage"
What is the quote to go along with the Commitment to Change stage?
"I began in small ways with small triumphs and with simple acts of courage"
What is the quote to go along with the Actions for Change stage?
"we rebuilt our lives on 3 stones of recovery: hope, willingness, and responsible action"
What is the keyword-underlined word(s) associated with Impact of Illness?
overwhelmed by
What is the keyword-underlined word(s) associated with Life is Limited?
given into
What is the keyword-underlined word(s) associated with Change is Possible?
What is the keyword-underlined word(s) associated with Commitment to Change?
What is the keyword-underlined word(s) associated with Actions for Change?
moving beyond
What is the Danger associated with Impact of Illness?
My identity becomes mental illness, limiting my future.
What is the Danger associated with Life is Limited?
I've identified so strongly with the negative stigma of mental illness, I cannot see any possibilities.
What is the Danger associated with Change is Possible?
I'm afraid or discouraged to take necessary initial risks.
What is the Danger associated with Commitment to Change?
I will not get the skills, resources, supports needed to do what I want. I become discouraged and give up.
What is the Danger associated with Actions for Change?
I begin to doubt my ability to function on my own or in taking responsibility for my life.
What is the Role of Services associated with Impact of Illness?
decrease emotional stress by reducing the symptoms and conveying that there is life after diagnosis
What is the Role of Services associated with Life is Limited?
instill hope and a sense of possibility, rebuild a positive self-image by reviewing and evaluating options
What is the Role of Services associated with Change is Possible?
help them see that they are not so limited by the illness and to move on will require some risks
What is the Role of Services associated with Commitment to Change?
help them take initial steps by helping them identify strengths and needs in terms of skills, resources, supports
What is the Role of Services associated with Actions for Change?
Equip them with necessary skills, resources, supports, so they can trust more in their own decision making ability and take more responsibility for their life