Name 4 things the Shen rules
What is mind, mental activities, memory, and sleep?
4 sources of blood
What is Gu Qi, Ying Qi, Jing Qi, and body fluids?
Organs involved in water metabolism
2 parts of body fluids
What is fluid (jin) is clear and then and liquid (yi) is thick and heavy?
Case A
What is Epimedium Powder?
Where the Shen lives
What is the heart?
3 main organs are associated with the blood
What is the heart, spleen, and liver?
Organ that receives the turbid part of clear fluid from lung and clear part of turbid fluid from the small intestine
Where the fluid jin distributed
What is to the surface of the body (primarily skin and muscles) by Wei Qi circulation?
Case C
What is Happy Liver?
Causes of Shen Disturbances
What is excessive fire, heart blood deficiency, heart yin deficiency?
4 blood disorders in TCVM
What is blood deficiency, blood stagnation, blood heat, bleeding (caused by 3 underlying reasons: Qi Deficiency, excess heat, Yin Deficiency)
Organ separates and translates food and drink and sends products in ascending direction
What is the spleen?
How the liquid Ye is distributed
What is it circulates in the blood vessels to the Zhang Fu organs, bone marrow, brain, joint cavities, and orifices?
Case B and D
What is Four Gentleman and Happy Earth?
Name 3 of the 6 clincal signs associated with Shen Disturbances
What is restlessness, nervousness, anxiety, easily frightened, inability to focus, abnormal behavior changes?
The difference in pain associated with blood or Qi stagnation
What is blood stagnation is substantial pain, stabbing, and centrally located versus Qi stagnation is nonsubstantial pain, is a dull ache that comes and goes, not easily isolated?
Organ that has descending function and sends turbid part to the small intestine
What is the stomach?
3 pathological conditions involved with body fluids
What is internal dryness, edema, and phlegm?
Case F
What is Shen Calmer?
Herb that treats Shen Disturbance
Finish this TCVM saying: "BLANK is the mother of BLANK and BLANK is the commander or general of BLANK"
What is blood/Qi/Qi/blood?
The pure part of water distributed to the whole body (skin, hair, nails, muscles, joints, eyes) is distributed essentially and eventually from this organ
What is the lung?
This pathological condition is usually the underlying cause for edema or excessive body fluid accumulation
What is spleen Qi deficiency?
Case E
What is Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tong?