How would pronounce these words:
Antibiotics, Paracetamol, X-ray
Could you define them?
How would you pronounce these words?
Ache, unconscious, cholesterol
Could you define them?
What is mental and spiritual health?
Finding meaning? Inner peace? Comfort? being a well-balanced person? Not having fears and fobias? Not having anxiety?
What do you do to keep fit?
What would you recommend smb to get fitter?
What are your eating habits?
Do you have a healthy diet?
If you find someone collapsed on the ground, What should you do first?
Have you ever given first aid?
What would you do to deal with ...?
Bleeding nose, Dizziness, Burn
What could be the causes of them?
What health type is more important: physical, mental, spiritual or social?
Give reasons.
What products do you find healthy to consume?
Can healthy food be tasty?
Name 5 fruit, 5 vegetables, 5 dairy products
Which do you like?
What might be the cause of...?
a bruise, a blister, a rash, side-effects.
What would you do to cure these?
What are the symptoms of ...?
a cold, the flu, food poisoning, heart attack
What should we do?
Are you hypochondriac?
Is it good or bad?
What could we do to prevent cold and flu?
Is it possible to avoid getting any kind of illness?
How much/many do we need a day?
protein and carbs, hours of sleep, exercise, work/study, water, calories
What else do we need to stay healthy?
what injuries or illnesses might be the result of...?
cooking, doing sport, eating in a restaurant.
What do we do?
Do you think alternative medicine is reliable?
Have you ever used one?
What is mindfulness?
How important is it to maintain it?
What things affect our healthy negatively?
Which have positive effects?
Do you think these could be a good idea?
Follow a low-carb diet
Have a full health check
Take vitamin supplements
What could be the effects of these?
what do you know about first aid?
Where can we learn about it?
If someone has an allergic reaction, we ...
If someone has a very high temperature, we...
Do you think people in your country worry a lot about their: blood pressure, cholesterol level, eyesight, excess weight?
Do you worry about anything related to health?
Based on your symptoms, do you ever read online about the possible illnesses you might have?
Do you know anybody, who does so? Do you think it's good idea?
The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not. Agree?
Not all fast food is unhealthy. Discuss.
Give reasons for your opinion, try to speak for at least 1-2 minutes.