I have fractured my arm
hint Self Care
Jianne Lara
I like cars
hint Self Care
Izabel Mendoza
I have one dog
hint Self Care
I moved here from Ohio
Lisa Njoroge
I have a freckle in my eye
hint Group Bonding
Verity Moreno
I don't like sushi
hint Self-Care
Melanie S
I am in cheer
hint Service Committee
Jocelyn S
I busted my eyebrow open when I was 2
hint Self-Care
Sophia Recinos-Ruiz
I like Disney movies
hint Group Bonding
Carly B
I have a snake
hint Group Bonding
Adrianna Tanaka
i lived in Vietnam for 3 years
hint College and Career
Danielle Phan
I am good at impressions
hint Service Committee
Valery Urzua
I have Trypophobia (fear of a lot of holes close together)
hint Group Bonding
Amber Arias
I play lacrosse
hint Self Care
Anahi Pereira
I've fractured my hip before
hint Service Committee
Giselle Torres Barbosa
I like to draw
hint Group Bonding
I have a dog named Coco
Hint: College and Career
I lived in Germany
hint in Service Committee
Leilani Arzate- Avalos
I work in an office
hint Self-Care
Jessica Delgado
hint Service committee
Sophia Hurley
I have been in color guard for 4 years
hint Self Care
I have broke both wrists at the same time
hint Self Care
Emily Nanez
My favorite game is The Legend of Zelda
hint Service Committe
I have a french bulldog names Nipsey
Sarah Aguilar
I have flown a plane
hint College and Career
Christina Villanueva
I hate mushrooms
Hint: Self Care Committee
I have been in dance for 9 years
hint College and Career
Dalia Ruiz
I stabbed myself with my key
Service Committee
Katelyn C.
I collect vinyls
Hint: Service Commity
I have 2 dogs
hint college and career
Andrea Puentes
I can crack my shoulders repeatedly
hint Service Committee
Alexxis Urzua
I used to do ju-jitsu
hint Group Bonding
I love traveling
hint: College and Career
Zoey Allman
I have 10+ pets
Hint Group Bonding
hint: Group Bonding
I have job perks
hint group bonding