Timing and Stop Clock

Demonstrate 2 instances where flag guarding would be called

Placing or swinging hands over the flag belt- Placing ball over the flag belt- Dipping shoulder- Stiff arm


Demonstrate proper mechanics for a Touchdown

Both arms in the air like you're making goal posts


Who is in control of the Stop Clock?

Back Judge


Player running with the ball swipes away defenders hands. What do you call?

Flag Guarding. 10 yd penalty from the spot of the foul.


What are 2 examples of 5 yd penalties?

Delay of Game- Encroachment/Offsides- Illegal procedure- False start- Illegal Formation- Helping the runner- MOST DEAD BALL FOULS AND NON-CONTACT FOULS ARE 5 YARD PENALTIES!


Describe what constitutes illegal participation

If more than 7 players participate- If a player steps out of bounds and then returns to participate in play


Demonstrate proper mechanics for Holding

One hand holding onto opposite wrist in front of the body with fists closed


How long are the Halves

20 minutes each


Player trying to block for his quarterback during a rush moves his screen block to step in front of a rusher. Both fall over. What is the penalty and who is it on.

Illegal contact on the offense. 10 yds from the spot of the foul (not from line of scrimmage, screw the offense, all but one principle)


If a runner loses his/her flags without being pulled by the defensive team, the runner must be________ for the play to be dead.



Give 3 instances when a forward pass is considered illegal

Passer’s foot is beyond the plane of A’s scrimmage line when the ball leaves the hand- If thrown after possession has changed- If intentionally thrown to the ground or out of bounds to save loss of yardage- If a passer catches his/her untouched forward pass- If there is more than 1 forward pass per down


Demonstrate proper mechanics for Pass Interference

Hands out in front of body like you are pushing somebody


How many Time outs are the teams awarded?

Each team is allowed 2 one-minute time outs PER GAME


There is a simultaneous catch by players from opposite teams and no penalty has occurred. What do you do?

Ball is called dead and is awarded to the offense at the spot of the catch


What is an example of an illegal uniform

Jersey with pockets or holes in it not long enough to tuck in- having an arm opening of more than 4 inches Shorts/Pants with pockets metal tipped cleats


How do the mechanics change for live ball fouls versus dead ball fouls

Live ball- flag will be thrown where the penalty occurred and play continues/ Dead ball- Whistle is blown to and flag is thrown high in the air for everyone to see


Demonstrate proper mechanics for Stopping the clock

Wave hands above head


The clock will run Continuously until when? (When do stop clock mechanics begin for each half?)

Until the final minute of the first half and the last 2 minutes of the 2nd half unless a timeout is called


There's an interception by the defense, and the defender scores. There is a penalty flag down for flag guarding by player who intercepted the ball before he scored. What is the call?

The defense keeps the ball because the foul was committed after the interception (clean hands principle). Flag guarding is enforced on the new offense. 10 yds from spot of the foul.


What are the 4 options of the team that wins the rock, paper, scissors match for possession

Offense/ Defense/ Defend a Goal/ Defer options to the second half


What penalties are incorporated in the acronym FIELDS and what type of penalties are they?

False Start- Illegal Substitution- Encroachment- Leaving the wrong side of field or endline- Delay of Game- Snap- Dead Ball Penalities


Demonstrate proper mechanics for Illegal Shift and Illegal Motion (Be specific on which is for Motion and which is for Shift)

Shift- Both hands waved in front of body bending at the elbows/ Motion- 1 hand waved in front of body bending at the elbow


Give 2 situations where the clock will restart ON THE WHISTLE

First down inbounds- After a penalty when the play ends inbounds- Officials timeout- Inadvertent whistle


Roughing the passer has occurred during a play. The quarterback managed to throw the ball before penalty occurred and was caught downfield. What is procedure?

10 yds will be added onto the end of the play and an automatic first down is awarded.


After a try, the scoring team can go for 1, 2 or 3 point tries. Where is the ball placed for each of these points?

3 yd line for 1 pt/ 10 yd line for 2 pts/ 20 yard line for 3 pts
