The dragon tribe Luna is a part of
What is a Silkwing/flamesilk?
The place that Luna, Cricket, Pineapple, Lynx, Sundew, Tsunami, Moon and Bullfrog got into a fight with a group of Hivewings
A small island mostly made of sand, with some large boulders and a singular palm tree
The main villains in the story
What are Queen Wasp, Cottonmouth and The Othermind?
Something that Luna wishes for/values
What is peace among all tribes?
The hobby Luna is most interested in
What is tapestry weaving?
The place that Luna's dad was trapped in and eventually Queen Wasp was put in as well
What is The Flamesilk Dungeon?
The goal the main 8 are trying to accomplish
What is fulfilling the prophecy that Moon was given?
Luna's main goal
What is bringing everyone together to realize that their differences don't mean they can't be friends?
Lunas boyfriend
Who is Swordtail?
The names of the 2 main dragon continents
What are Pyrriah and Pantala?
The twist near the end of the book
What is the scene that Queen Wasp doesn't actually have mind-control powers herself, she simply uses a plant called The Othermind which gives her the powers
The overall outcome
What is accepting everyone's differences?