Name Something You Associate With Fish
3. Smell
2. Water
1. Finding Nemo
Name something you did in kindergarten that you wish you could do now.
4. Nap
3. Play/Recess
2. Arts/Crafts1. Eat snacks
Name a bad job for someone who’s afraid of heights
4. Pilot
3. Window washer
2. Construction worker
1. Fire fighterName Something You See Outside That Would Make You Want to Stay Inside.
4. Bad weather
3. Scary animal
2. Zombies
1. Ex boyfriend/girlfriend
Name something you might break?
3. Bones
2. Hearts
1. Promises
Name something people wished their pets could do.
3. Use the toilet
2. Be quiet
1. Get a jobName Something Kids Line Up For at School
4. Lunch
3. Recess
2. School Bus
1. Fire Drill
Name a reason you might be late to work.
4. Overslept
3. Traffic
2. Doctors appointment
1. Family emergency
Which household chore do kids hate doing?
4. Cleaning their room
3. Mowing the lawn
2. Washing dishes
1. Caring for pets
Name a Reason a Person’s Face May Turn Red.
4. Embarrassed
3. Angry
2. Sunburned
1. Bug bite
What do Casper and Pumpkin do most of the time?
4. Sleep
3. Play
2. Eat
1. Get into trouble
When you do not want to go to school, what is the illness you make up as an excuse?
4. Stomachache
3. Headache
2. Fever
1. Cough
Name an email faux pas.
4. Replying all unnecessarily
3. Spelling/grammar mistakes
2. Too many emojis/exclamation marks
1. Too long
What can you find in the kitchen?
4. Refrigerator
3. Stove
2. Sink
1. Food
Name Something You Smell Before You Buy It.
3. Candle
2. Flowers
1. Car
Name a very quiet pet.
1. Fish
2. Reptile
3. Arthropod
4. Rock
Something you will find on a play ground.
4. Jungle Gym
3. Kids2. Toys
1. Benches
Name a food that would be messy to eat at your desk
4. BBQ/ribs
3. Watermelon
2. Crab legs
1. Pistachios
What do parents never allow kids to skip?
4. Meals
3. Bathing
2. Bedtime
1. Homework
Name something that melts when it gets hot?
4. Candle/wax
3. Butter
2. Cheese
1. Ice
Name an animal that weighs a lot.
4. Whale
3. Elephant
2. Hippo
1. Dinosuar
What is something you might do ahead of time to prepare for your high school reunion.
4. Get in shape
3. Go clothes shopping2. Find out who is coming
1. Drink
Name something you might say during a Zoom meeting
4. “Your mic/camera is off”
3. “I’m having technical issues”
2. “I’m going to share my screen”
1. "Are you wearing pants?"
What’s something you might see on the ground in a messy room?
4. Clothes
3. Toys
2. School supplies
1. Casper/Pumpkin
Whats something you might close your eyes to do?
4. sleep
3. swim
2. make a wish/pray
1. sneeze