What are you assessing postoperatively to ensure the flap has adequate blood supply?
What is flap color, temperature, capillary refill and anastomosis site with doppler (free flaps only).
Why should the nurse elevate the flap site postoperatively?
What is reduce edema and promote venous return?
What is arterial thrombosis and its associated signs?
what is lack of blood flow to flap site? What is no doppler signal, pale color, flaccid skin turgor, and delayed capillary refill?
What method should be used to assess tissue perfusion to a pedicle flap postoperatively?
What is palpating the pulse?
What interventions can be used to keep the flap site warm to ensure proper blood flow and viability?
What is apply a bear hugger, close the door and increase the room temperature, avoid ice packs?
What is a hematoma and its associated signs?
What is extravascular blood collection? What is oozing, bruising, swelling, pain, fever?
What signs and symptoms would indicate improper blood supply to a flap?
What is pallor, coolness, or blanching on the flap site?
What medications should be avoided in postoperative flap patients?
What is Nicotine, Caffeine, and Diuretics?
What is venous thrombosis and its associated signs?
What is too much blood collecting at site (congestion)? What is purple color, swelling, tense skin turgor, bloody drainage?
How frequently should the flap site be assessed in the first 48-72 hours postoperatively?
What is hourly flap/doppler checks?