Eye of the Wolf
Commas, semicolons and colons
Adverbial Phrases

The Eye of the Wolf is mainly about what?

A boy.


What is a flashback? 

Something along the lines of this: Flashbacks tell about things that happened before the events in the main story. 


Give one reason why we use commas.

1) To separate a list of items or things. 

2) Must be used in complex sentences that begin with a subordinate clause (If.... Unless.... When....)

3) Can be used in compound sentences to separate clauses. (FANBOYS)

4) To separate names and expressions from the main clause. For example: Where are you, Africa? 


Adverbial Phrases can help with adding more details to a sentence or story. What questions can adverbial phrases help answer? 

Adverbial phrases add details to the following questions: How? How often? How much? Where? When? 


What is an example of a synonym for the word kind?

Multiple answers can be given: nice, caring, generous (hearted), loyal.


What happened to Africa's parents?

They died due to a war that broke out in their home country.


Name the two key features of a flashback sequence.

1) Using *** or describing a dreamlike sequence.  2) Going from present tense to past tense. 


Instead of using a full stop, how else could we link two main clauses?

Using a semicolon ;


Give two examples of words used to help show the reader there is an adverbial phrase. 

Examples: in, on, at, under, beneath, above. There could be others. 


What is the alliteration in the following sentence? 

The wind whistled through the snow-covered woods.

Alliteration: wind whistled woods. The w sound. 


What are some words to describe the character -- the king of goats?

Aggressive, greedy, selfish, inhumane, etc.


Give two examples of figurative language that the writer can use to add imagery to a flashback scene?

Alliteration and similes. 


Name two was we can punctuation when making a list. 

Using a comma or colon. 


What is the adverbial phrase in this sentence? 

Mom will pick us up after school is out. 

Adverbial phrase: after school is out. 


Correct the spelling in the following sentence. How should the correct sentence look? 

He mist his animal freinds and wanted to sea them again. 

Sentence should be: He missed his animal friends and wanted to see them again. 


What are the names of the two people who saved Africa?

Ma and Pa Bia.


How do writers use a flashback in a story?

Writers may signal a flashback by using a device such as walking through a door or a character having a dream to show the read that the story is going back in time. They can also use ***.


Read the following sentence and decided whether there needs to be a comma or semicolon. Where should it go? 

The journey was going to be long and difficult but we decided it would be worth it. 

A comma needs to be used. The correct sentence should look like: The journey was going to be long and difficult, but we decided it would be worth it. 


What question does this adverbial phrase answer? 

He found his lucky penny in the morning. 

Adverbial phrase is 'in the morning' it answers the question when. 


Give an example of reported speech. 

Multiple answers can be given, an example could be: Ma Bia asked Pa Bia how long she had been healing people. No use of speech marks, sounds like a narration. 


Why does Africa close one of his eyes when watching Blue Wolf?

Africa understands the wolf's sadness at being taken away from his family and home. He closes one of his eyes to show his friendship for the wolf. 


Give an example of a simile.

Multiple answers: sentence needs to compare two different things using the words 'like' or 'as'


True or False: The use of colons in the following sentence is correct. 

Surely there was a chance of success: if only they kept on trying. 



Give the adverbial phrase in this sentence AND explain what question it answers. 

I watch television almost as much as you do. 

Adverbial phrase: almost as much as you do. 

Question it answers: How often?


Explain what it means for a reader to make inferences when reading a story.

Readers need to use their imaginations in order to better understand what the writer is trying to show their audience instead of tell. 
