This is where you go to ask questions on live tickets.
What is the Team Lead(er) Channel?
Caller: Target Yard Manager ... Unit: Target Trailer ... Driver: JB Hunt Driver ... Account Options: Target and JB Hunt
When entering account information, the caller's account would be this, the billing account would be this, and the driver's account would be this.What are Target, Target, JB Hunt?
We use this to email customers.
What is Five9?
These three things must be included in every decline comment.
What are a name, a title, and what happened?
(The only exception would be the Dealer Line when they don't answer. In that instance, your decline comment would only include "Dealer Line" or "Shop" and what happened.)
It takes this long for a ticket to turn yellow.
What is 15 minutes?
Scenario: You pick up a ticket to dispatch it, and you see the first preference in the account notes does not match what was entered. The call was called in by dispatch.
TRUE OR FALSE: You can message the Intake Agent in Teams to confirm if dispatch overrode the account notes. (You must notate that you reached out, who you reached out to, and what their response was.)
What is True?
These brands of tires can be requested by the caller when they are using a Local Book Account.
What are any?
This is who you email when
You have a schedule change request (Wendy would be included in this email)
Who is your assigned Team Lead?
You can provide on these types of calls, when this happens, and you will only provide it to this person.
What are Cash/Credit Card/Comm Check calls, when we have run out of shops to call, and we only provide it to the caller?
This should be done before each Break and Meal, and before logging out at the end of your shift.
What is "checking your tabs"? (Or checking to make sure no calls are "stuck" in your name)
This is how long you must wait without a response before tagging the Team Lead Channel. (You can wait longer, but this is the minimum amount of time.)
What is three minutes?
This is required to create a PO for Clean Harbors. This is not in the script, but it is in the account notes. You must ask the caller for it.
What is the Branch Code/Branch ID?
This is how often you should be checking your email.
What is every shift?
This is considered confirming a shop.
What is confirming the shop name, store number (if there is one), and the city and state of the shop?
If you see the Type says "Virtual Agent" it means the call type is this.
What is POLY AI, or the automated Intake system?
True or False: If a Team Lead messages you, "Everything okay?" with a ticket number, you should at least give a "Thumbs up" emoji to let them know you saw the message and everything is good.
What is False?
U-Haul is this type of account.
What is Local Book?
All emails to customers should include their reference and PO number (if present), the unit number being worked on, why we are emailing, and this.
What is the ticket number?
This is the full process for a web call with a driver who is not answering for the huddle.
What is call the driver three times, if no answer on the third attempt leave a voicemail with the ETA (if able) and complete the dispatch without a huddle?
The lines you are trained on, for dispatch, are Fleet HQ, Goodyear CTSC, Amazon, Gem City, Jolly Truck and Trailer, and this.
What is pretty much any line containing the word "Tire"?
This is how you proceed if you KNOW what you were told in the Team Lead Channel is NOT correct.
What is notate the advisement, along with the name and title of the person that gave the advisement, and follow the instructions provided?
Product Preferences:
1st choice - Endurance LHS LRG
2nd choice - Endurance LHS LRH
1. Please use new drive tires for emergency or after-hours service unless you have a customer retread UC Endurance LHD.
For this account, the first preference for a drive tire is this.
What is a Customer Owned UC Endurance LHD?
You are required to log into your email every shift. The first reason would be to read the emails to see if there is any information or updates you should be aware of. This is the second reason.
What is to be able to access information linked to the Goodyear system? (Account notes, Shared Excel Files, OneNote, etc.()
Auto Dispatch: Techs 1, 2, and 3 show as "No Answer". This is how you proceed.
What is manually call the first tech, and if they do not answer, leave a voicemail and move to the next shop?
This must be done for all web calls, prior to dispatching. (Be specific)
What is making sure the repairs and map are updated?