How did survivors of the fire get home?
They walked.
What happened on April 2?
A mass meeting at the Metropolitain Opera House.
This person was a Democrat and a member of Tammany Hall, but he was truly on the side of the disadvantaged.
Al Smith
What group did Clara Lemlich assist in forming a union in CA?
old-age home orderlies
Name three things laws passed after the fire established.
Fire drills; fire extinguishers, sprinklers, doors that swing out and must remain unlocked during work hours, exit doors with panic bars, fire escape routes that need to be labeled, lights over all exits, and a limit on the number of people allowed to be in a room
You couldn't see every survivor's ___
Why did the merting at the Metropolitan Opera House almost break up in anger?
Some people wanted to create a Bureau of Fire Prevention, but others knew this would not be enough.
Who advised Frances Perkins that she needed to use politics to her advantage?
Al Smith
Working in a garment factory was considered a better job that many others available to uneducated people who didn't speak much English.
"FDR" stands for___ .
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Misery Lane was the name given to the temporary ____.
Where did the funeral procession for the unidentified victims go?
Fifth Avenue to a ferry dock on the East River.
Which ethnic group had Tammany Hall represented most until 1911?
the Irish
What was the name of the group whose findings led to many fire-related laws we take for granted today?
The New York Factory Investigating Commission
When did FDR become president?
What is the significance of Rose Freedman?
She was the last living survivor until she died in 2001.
Who said, "We have tried you good people of the public and we have found you wanting"?
Rose Schneiderman
Who made $410.95 for each worker killed in the Triangle Fire? ( 2 names, first and last)
Max Blanck and Isaac Harris
The New York Factory Investigating Commission's findings led to laws that initially applied only to garment factories.
Laws passed after the fire signaled a change in how people saw the role of ____ in American life.
What was $150,000 collected for?
The victims' families, to help replace their income.
Al Smith said had earned the degree "FFM." What did those letters stand for?
Fulton Fish Market
What is the Yiddish word for a "good person"?
One headline after the trial read "147 Dead, ____ Guilty."
What does the group Chalk do every March 25?
Writes in chalk the names of all the victims, outside the places where they lived.