Executive Functioning
Test Taking Skills
Executive Functioning
Test Prep
Life Skills

True or False: Executive functioning relates to skills that help you achieve goals or stay focused, such as planning, memory, concentration, and time management. 

What is true?


True or False: During a test, you should skip reading the passage and just answer the questions. 

What is false?


True or false: Executive functioning skills do not relate to each other. Planning does not have to do with time management

What is False?


The night before a big test, it is best to get a ___ ___ ____. 

What is "good night's sleep." 


What executive functioning tools can you use to help use your time wisely? 

(Accepted answers): What is a time timer, a planner, a schedule, a calendar, alarms/ reminders on your phone 


Tom opened his backpack to look for his math homework and he sees a a bunch of crumpled papers at the bottom on his bag, how can he us his executive functioning skills to be more organized?

What is using a binder or planner, having your math papers in the math section of your binder, your reading papers in the reading section, and your science papers in the science section...?


One of the first things you should do when taking a test is read the ____ carefully and underline any key words. 

What is directions?


______ is identifying what needs to be completed now and what can be completed later

What is prioritizing?


What are some studying strategies you can use to help prepare for a test? 

Note taking, quiz yourself, answer a study guide and re-read the information you didn't know the answer to, create acronyms...


What life skill do you see in the example below: Kirpa doesn't make the soccer team, but she decides to keep practicing and will try out again next year as a 10th grader. 

What is perseverance/determination/growth mindset?


The ability to think before acting, weigh the options of how to respond to a situation, and then choose the best option for you and others is called...

What is self-control (impulse control)?


When answering a question, make sure that you read ____ answer or option before choosing your final response. 

What is every/all/each/etc. ?


What are three ways you can help yourself stay focused in class?

What is....(could include):Keep your phone in your bag, Look at your teacher and actively/whole body listen, Stand up if feeling antsy?


People who are ____ learners understand best when they can read something or see a picture or graph of a topic. 

What are visual learners?


What life skill do you see in the example below: Desi has a big test coming up at the end of the month. He really wants to do his best, so he breaks up his studying into 30 minute chunks each day. 

What is planning, time management, etc. ?


Shawn has a 5-paragraph essay due at the end of the week. 

He decides to read the prompt and make an outline of his ideas on Monday night. On Tuesday night he uses the outline to help him write an introductory paragraph. On Wednesday he writes the 3 body paragraphs. On Thursday he writes the concluding paragraph and edits his paper so he can turn it in on Friday. 

Is this an example of good time management?

What is Yes, this is an example of good time management?


Kia is about to take a math test. She writes her name on her paper and reads the directions carefully, underlining key words such as "show your work" and "circle your answer." She reads the questions carefully, shows her work, and circles her answers. When she finishes the final question, she immediately turns in her paper to her teacher, even though there are 10 minutes left. What is one important thing Kia did not do?

What is check her work?


When controlling our emotions we need to _____, reflect and think

What is stop?


People who are _____ learners may need to move around while they are studying, walk a little, have breaks in between concentrating, etc. 

What are kinetic/kinesthetic learners?


What life skill do you see in the example below: Jenny is told a rumor about one of her classmates. She is tempted to tell her friend, but decides against it, thinking "That's not how I would want to be treated if I were in her place." 

What is empathy?


Marla is trying to improve her executive functioning skills. She has a big project coming up and doesn't want to forget to get a head start, so she writes herself a post-it note saying "Make an outline" and puts it on her mirror. In her planner, she breaks down the steps of the task so that she can do her work over a period of a few days. She also decides to skip playing video games one night and instead works on her project, even though she loves gaming. What executive functioning skills are present in this example?

What is self control, planning, time management, etc.? 


When taking a multiple choice test, you can X out the answers you know are wrong to help you find the right answer. This is called the POE, otherwise known as...

What is the Process of Elimination (POE)?


How can you change this fixed mindset, "I don't know how to do this, it is not my fault, my teacher didn't tell me."

What is...I will ask my teacher and clarify the information with my teacher when I am unsure about something?


Each person has a unique _____ _____ so it is important to understand what are the best methods of studying for each student. 

What is learning style?


What life skill do you see in the example below: 

David is really upset because his friend made up a rumor about him cheating on a test. Instead of yelling at him, he calmly, though firmly, says "I am really angry with you right now because you lied about me and I feel like I can't trust you." 

What are communication skills?
