An aquatic animal that can be different colours but is often short and beaked.
What is a duck?
The kind of mindset believes that intelligence can grow and change
What is a flexible mindset?
The mindset that makes you feel as though you cannot improve.
What is a fixed mindset?
Like a little movie playing in your head. It might be an idea, picture or feeling.
Putting yourself in someone else's shoes
What is empathy?
In waterways like; lakes, rives, bays and creeks.
Where do ducks live?
They say "I don't know how to do this, yet", "I might not know now but I can learn to", "I am still learning and that is okay"
What is something someone with a flexible mindset might say?
They would say "I can't do this", "This is too hard", "I am not smart enough to do this"
What is something that a person with a fixed mindset would say?
From your experiences, your feelings, and the things you learn.
Where do thoughts come from?
What is journalling, mindfulness, talking with trusted adults, listening to music?
What sound does a duck make?
"This is really challenging, I can't do this, yet." OR "This is a great opportunity to learn."
What is something a person with a flexible mindset might say to themselves when faced with a difficult task?
"This is too hard!" "I can't do it!" "I don't want to try!"
What is something a person with a growth mindset might say to themselves when faced with a difficult task?
No, everyone's thoughts are different.
Does everyone have the same thoughts?
"I am strong" "I try hard" "I am a good person" "I am a good learner" "I am clever"
What are some examples of positive affirmations?
What are some things that ducks do during the day?
Challenges are learning opportunities
What is the way to people with a flexible mindset think of challenges?
It's the end of the road, I can't come back from this. I have to give up.
How do people with a fixed mindset feel about making mistakes
Yes, you can control them.
Can thoughts be controlled? ie. made from negative to postive
Strategies to calm down
What are deep breathing, taking a walk, talking with trusted people, alone time or listening to music examples of?
Where did the duck "walk up to" in the famous song series "The Duck Song"?
Learning from mistakes, value your hard work, give yourself some space to try.
What are some strategies to have a flexible mindset?
Adding "yet" to the end of a sentence ie. "I can't do that, yet"
How can you change a fixed mindset to a flexible mindset?
Changing "This is too hard and I am NOT doing!" to "This is hard but I am going to try!"
What is an example of changing a negative thought to a positive one?
The skill of controlling your feelings
What is emotional regulation?