What plane was the first to reach Mach 1 (break the sound barrier)?
what was Fastest air commercial plane
Which force acts upon an object and pulls it towards the ground?
who made the first ever plane
wright brothers
which country owns Boeing
What new technologies did the MIG-21 bring to aviation?
Ground-to-air communication and radar.
the biggest air commercial plane
Airbus a380
what do the engines make to give a boost to make it fly
who was lost over the Pacific Ocean
Amelia Earhart
which countries owns the concorde
U.K and France
When where helicopters first deployed into combat?
Korean War
what was the first double decker commercial plane
Boeing 747
what acts upon thrust
who built the Mig 21
Mikoyan Gurevich
which country owns Airbus
What was the first airplane used in combat during WW1?
which plane carried the first ever bomb
Enola Gay
What force of flight do the wings create on an airplane?
who designed the lockheed F-104 starfighter Jet
Kelly Johnson
what is the most popular in international commercial airlines does Canada own
Air Canada
the fastest millitary plane
NASA x43
which MIG was deployed by soviet union in 1960
MIG 21
What is the only active fore when a shuttle is in space?
who was the first pilot
Orville Wright
what popular international airline does India own
Air India