Flap and Rudder
It'll kill ya
Pitch Please

If leading edge flaps are not extended, add ___ to approach and threshold speeds.

6 knots


If rudder fails to reduce to the low range after flap retraction, set the rudder power switch to OFF prior to _____.

230 KIAS


This color TRIM annunciation means that the AP processor has detected a problem and is no longer commanding stabilizer trim movements.

The red TRIM warning is displayed on the ADI. You are allowed to attempt a recycle by disengaging and reengaging the AP.


What is false rudder lock?

If the rudder power is turned OFF while pedal force is being applied, the sudden increase in pedal resistance momentarily makes the rudder appear to be locked.

With EFAS inoperative, Vmcg can increase by as much as _____. If an EFAS failure occurs prior to S1, the takeoff ________.

25 KIAS / should be aborted


Suddenly reversing which control surface direction while at high deflections can cause over stressing and loss of a critical flight surface? 

Sudden reversal of the rudder direction at high rudder deflections can over stress the vertical fin.

Jammed Stabilizer - The use of approximately ___ of speed brakes has been found to be optimum when considering trim movement increase versus drag increase.

35 degrees


What is the procedure for an accidental spin recovery?

Reduce thrust to idle, apply full opposite rudder immediately followed by forward elevator control with neutral lateral control. Apply some nosedown trim and retract the speed brakes if they are extended. Extend the gear. As a last resort, apply asymmetric thrust.


With rudder power off or inoperative, be prepared to apply as much as ______ force to the rudder pedals to obtain required rudder deflection.

180 pounds


Asymmetric flap extension or retraction will cause an abnormal rolling moment. If the flap indicators and visual inspection reflect symmetric main flap alignment but rolling moment is present, suspect what malfunction.

A fillet flap malfunction. If necessary for controllability, extend or retract flaps (when permissible) to attempt re-alignment of the fillet flaps.


Normal wheel force required to overcome the autopilot is [BLK45] ____ or [BLK40] _____

50 pounds / 25 pounds


What is "spoiler float" and what are it's impacts on range?

Spoiler float occurs when aerodynamic loads on the spoiler surfaces overcome the hydraulic pressure holding the spoiler closed and cause the spoiler to rise slightly. Can result in a 7 to 9 percent range penalty.


Manual Flap Extension - What flaps should be lowered first and why?

Outboard flaps to permit use of the outboard ailerons.


Asymmetric flap extension or retraction will cause an abnormal rolling moment. If the flap indicators and visual inspection reflect an asymmetric main flap condition and a rolling moment is present accomplish.

1. Flap Lever - ______________

1. Flap Lever - Set to position corresponding to the asymmetric flap position indication (P, CP)

Cutting off inboard spoilers and extending speed brakes will provide approximately how many units of equivalent trim in the takeoff configuration? What about the flaps 50 landing configuration?

2 to 3 units / up to 5 units


Pitch oscillations can occur from a lightening of control forces at elevator deflections of 10 to 12 degrees due to ________.

incorrect elevator balance seal gap. This conditioned can be experienced during climbout after takeoff and usually occurs between 250 and 285 KIAS.

Airspeed indicator errors exist during side slip. As actual airspeed _____ than indicated can exist at 10 degrees of side slip.

7 knots lower


Rudder Power Inoperative - During flight involving side slip, do not release any rudder pedal force if a turn is attempted _________.

into the dead engine side.


Jammed Controls (Roll or Pitch) - How much force should you use to overcome a jammed or binding flight control?

Force as necessary to include both pilots simultaneously applying force. 

What are the indicators of a jammed or broken drive chain for the pitch trim system?

Inability to trim electrically with a free turning control wheel and no indicated change of trim position.
