Airplane Parts
Mighty Flight
Force Focus
Natural Forces
Simulator Stuff
What is the name of either of two movable flaps on the wings of an airplane that can be used to control the plane's rolling and banking movements.
What are ailerons.
This pair of wing components is necessary to help the plane roll left or right
What are ailerons.
The ability to fly depends on opposing forces related to air pressure as described by this scientist's principle
Who is Bernoulli.
What do birds have that help them fly, other than wings?
(Either answer below is correct). What are hollow bones. What are strong pectoral muscles to generate thrust.
How would the airplane behave under the following conditions: 10 N Lift, 5 N Weight, 10 N Thrust, 2 N Drag....
What is ascending.
What is the turning movement of an airplane without rolling.
What is yaw.
When an airplane is taking off it is important to have these wing components extending down along the trailing edge of the wing to help increase aerofoil surface area and increase lift.
What are flaps.
Moving air over the top of an aerofoil goes faster than air moving over the bottom of the aerofoil creating a difference in pressure above and below the aerofoil resulting in this force...
What is lift.
These body parts provide birds with the necessary thrust for flight
What are pectoral muscles (chest muscles).
How would the airplane behave under the following condition: left aileron down, right aileron up
What is roll to the left.
What part of the tail controls the pitching of the nose of the airplane?
What are the elevators.
This movement must be controlled when rolling the plane left or right to prevent an uncontrolled vertical spin.
What is yaw.
According to Bernoulli's principle, moving fluids (like air) exert ______ pressure than fluids that are not moving or fluids that are moving more slowly.
What is 'less pressure'
The force that pushes against an object and reduces thrust.
What is drag.
How would the airplane behave under the following condition: shift + right arrow key
What is yaw right.
What is the name of the trailing edge of the wing that either increases or decreases drag by changing position.
What are flaps.
When flaps are extended during landing they increase this force to help the plane avoid crashing at slower speeds.
What is lift.
When the force of gravity is greater than the lift force, then the airplane behaves in this way...
What is descend or move to a lower elevation.
The force that counters lift while pulling all objects toward the centre of the Earth.
What is gravity.
Flaps are raised right before the wheels touch the ground to reduce lift. Raised flaps make air molecules passing over the top of the wing to...
What is slow down.
What is the resulting movement of the nose of the airplane when the tail rudder moves to the right
What is yaw to the right
When elevators are raised, the angle of attack reduces, so the airplane requires more thrust to maintain the same lift force while the nose does this...
What is lower (drop).
If the force of gravity is balanced with the lift force and the thrust is equal to the drag force, then what would the airplane be doing?
What is remain still (or not move on the runway).
The first organisms to fly on Earth.
What are insects. (No, birds were not the first species to fly on Earth).