What was the most helpful resource you used in your research, and what did you learn from it?
What are....
Professionals (Autism Specialist, Occupational Therapist, Film Makers, Social Media)
End Users and Experience (Mighty Oaks)
Videos (Ohio Hospital with Facts, Mark R. and Son)
Autism Training at SCLA
Online- CDC and National Autism Society
Experiences: Walker Art Museum, Concert, 3M, Musical
If you had to start your research over, which resource would you use first? Why?
Professionals, CDC or National Autism Society, End User, Experiences, ....
Name one functional part of the robot that your like.
What is....
Square Design
Wire Management
Wheel Choices
4 Attachment Spots
Attachments Detail
Name one of the FLL Core Values and explain how your team uses it (or could use it) outside of FLL
What is...
Fun (fun outings you do, celebrating goals you achieve, ...)
Inclusion (including others at school, meeting a new friend, hearing ideas from everyone...)
Innovation (solving a problem, creative ideas,...)
Discovery (trying something new- recipe, new sport or activity, new math method,...)
Teamwork (sports, scouting, group projects, ...)
Impact (volunteer work, mentoring, FMSC, OCC, ...)
Name something you learned about the person next to you.
Sam (strong builder, strong programmer, good at speaking...)
Amelia (works hard, good at giving examples, kind, ....)
Piper (Kind, inclusive, comforts others when down, ...)
Andrew (energetic, kind hearted, compassionate, ...)
Natalie (organized, driven or hard working, good at programming, ...)
Sally (peaceful, smart, easy going, ...)
Daira (fun, passionate, learned a lot of new skills, ....)
What existing solutions are out there?
Existing FLL Teams (include the students)
Some opportunities for sports or activities
STEAM at home
Quiet Rooms at Competitions
How did you decide which missions to accomplish and which pathway you would take?
Mission Assessment (points, distance, difficulty)
Grouped by Sides (bases)
1 Trip across the table
Grouped by same attachment
Near Base and Easy First
Combine Missions Second
Add Missions Over Time
What was the greatest design or programming difficulty you encountered?
Gyro Turn Spinning
Inconsistencies (Motor Calibration)
Lines Stops added to help Mission errors
Tight Space to turn by Sound Mixer
Light Show Initial Plan
Boat Delivery
Motor Falling Off
Tell me about one thing each of you contributed to the team.
Team jobs, mentoring Mighty Oaks, Robot parts, programmed a mission, Outreach project, research, visual tools, wrote a section of the guide, made improvements to the guide, music recording, skit part, ....
Which aspect of FLL did your team like best? Least?
Learning new things, coding, building, teamwork, outings, volunteering, ...
Robot not working, not enough time to do everything, conflicts, ....
What is the importance of your project?
Autism Awareness
Students with Autism like STEAM and being part of a team
Students with Autism want to make friends
Treat them with respect and let them reach their abilities
Help form more teams and opportunities
How did the robot design change to solve missions?
Size Change (panels to frames)
Centered motor (balance)
Added anchor to motor to keep it on
Changed the Light Show Lifts
Changed the Museum Delivery
Sensor Placement this Season for Line Stops
Added the outer support for the wheels this season
Do you solve any missions in an unusual or unique way?
Name and describe any of our attachments
Delivery of Popcorn Dude
Immersive Wall using platform (not lever)
Rolling Camera Push
3D Dragon from Behind
Backwards Drive to Museum
Passive Push for Concert Lights
What you learned in First Lego League (FLL) that you will use in the future
Teamwork (listening, communication, everyone input,...)
Including others and getting input from professionals
Public Speaking
Coding or Engineering Skills
Compromise and Getting Along
Project Management Skills
Word, Canva, ...
Did you have a chance to collaborate with another team?
RoboDweebs, Technic Titians, Mind Factory, STEAM Camp (Brick Day Away), Summer Camp (other teams and mentoring them), Trail Life
What other problems did you Identify?
lack of ski jumping places, limited fencing clubs and appears dangerous to parents, missing digits tools for painting or drawing, low income options for theater, music class too loud for students with autism, rhythm issues for kids with reading disabilities, blind kids can't color or paint....
What improvements did you make to the guide
Added visual tools
Added more adaptations (decrease the difficulty of activities)
Added silent applause idea
added more professionals to consult (speech)
Added idea to do STEAM stations
Added tip to remove distractions (toys)
Changed it to a fancier magazine style (improved visuals and easier to read)
Do your robot’s programs achieve the same result every time?
Mission Graph Data
Improved by doing following: Jigs, Motor Calibrations, Line Stops, Gyro Test, Reduce Speed, Change Pathway, ...
Over 80% accurate for State Preparations
What were your team goals this season?
Passive Attachments, Gyro Turns, Slip on Attachments, Regional Competition, Try our Best, Meet New Teams, Learn our Parts, Add Creativity, ...
How would you best represent MN if chosen?
Core Values, GP, Have Fun, Continue to work on project and robot, try new missions, Do our Best, Meet and learn from new teams
If someone tried to use your solution today, would it be possible?
What improvements did you make for State?
Increase robot score (added two audience deliveries)
Increased consistency of robot (changes turns, added calibration)
Added Display Boards
Escape Room
PARS tour and presentation
Tabs to the guide
Magazine Style of Guide
How did you manage programming for your team?
Programmed by bases and runs (individual programs that can be worked on separately)
Everyone programmed at least 1 run
Printed program codes for everyone to use
Coding Library to use
Program Notes to let the others know what the robot is doing.
Pictures to record everything
How do you show Gracious Professionalism to others?
Help mentor other teams and share tips, Give space in line up area, Line up quietly by rooms (not disturb), limit our time at practice tables), Wish others good luck, learn from other teams, respectful to coach and teammates, ...
If you could go back and change something from your season, what would it be?
More time mentoring Mighty Oaks
More teams for Autism
More Sharing
Changed Pathway at Regionals for Sound Mixer
Slowed Down my Speaking
Not Argued