The City + Advances in Architecture & Engineering
Advances in Painting
Advances in Sculpture & Literature
Advances in Science & Mathematics
Florentine Politics + Florentine Commerce and Trade

What was Florence?

City state 


How were Rennisance painters Influenced? 

Renaissance painters were influenced by the renewed interest in classical culture and the spread of humanism.


What philosophy influenced both literature and sculpture in the Renaissance?



A majority thought of the natural world by referring to ideas of ____________

Ancient Greek and Roman texts


Who was Lorenzo the Magnificent?

Lorenzo was one of the most powerful members in the Medici family. He was a prime patreon of art and scholarship. Lorenzo had ruled Florence from 1469-1492 when he died


What did renaissance architects study?

Greek and Roman remains, learned how to build architecture


How did renissance artists depict people?

They wanted to depict real people who were posed in lifelike ways and whose faces expressed emotions. Additionally, they wanted to include realistic settings. The result was a new style of painting.


What did Renaissance sculptures attempt to show in their art?

They were using humanist values so they were trying to express individualism and being human/Personality, mood, expression.


Describe Leonardo Da Vinci (name at least 2 of the things he was)

One of the most creative Renaissance thinkers:

- artist, scientist, engineer, or inventor 


How had the Medici family maintained their power for  nearly three centuries? 

With their wealth, the Medici built palaces and preserved a strong army. They were involved with all aspects of life in Florence.


What were private townhouses called?



How did rennisance artists use perspective?

Rennisance artists used perspective which helped them create the illusion of depth on a flat surface.


Why was Michelangelo important?

He was a sculptor who was a model and influence to many other sculptures. His statue of David, was and still is very important. It is an amazing work of art but also displays emotion and individualism. 


What was Leonardo Da Vinci known for? (name at least three things that he studied or discovered)

he made sketches and wrote about things like geometry, engineering, sound, motion, and architecture
he designed buildings, and studied anatomy, including the circulation of blood
he was the first person to draw maps from an aerial/ birds-eye view)


Who was Niccolo Machiavelli and what did he do?

He was a Florentine statesman and historian. During the Medici's exile (1494-1512), he reorganized Florence's defenses and served as a diplomat.


When was Santa Maria de Fiore built?


How did artists achieve perspective? 

Painters also learned that a feeling of depth could be created by lines that came closer together as they receded into the distance.


What were the two major change from medieval literature to Renaissance literature?

1. Literature shifted from being focused on religion to other views that incorporated peoples own individualism and opinions

2. Instead of being written just in Latin, writers often now wrote in their own native languages. 


What was Girolamo Cardano known for? (What breakthroughs did he make? Name at least 2)

He solved complex algebraic equations and did a lot of work in probability.


Why did people travel far and wide to get loans?

To convert their money into Florins, which could be exchanged for goods, anywhere in Europe.


How did Filippo Brunelleschi build a dome for the cathedral?

He used no support beams or columns. 8 huge stone arches met at the top, and hoops of materials were placed to support. 


How did advancements in paintings affect science and mathematics.

Florentine artist Masaccio used geometry to figure out how to divide the space in a painting to make scenes appear more lifelike. Some artists studied anatomy by observing bodies and how they moved. Their studies helped them to portray the human body more realistically.


Who was the first well-known Renaissance writer to start writing in his native language - why was his play an important example of Renaissance literature?

Dante/Dante Alighieri, his play was important example of Renaissance literature because a) he used common language and b) the play was about the lives of everyday people instead of religion. 

(You could also say that it was an example because it was social commentary/comedy and included his views instead of being religious)


What was Galileo Galilei known for? (What breakthroughs did he come up with? Name at least 2)

He also experimented upon the laws of gravity, and proved that two objects, one heavier than the other will fall at the same rate.
He built the first telescope, and discovered sunspots and the moons of Jupiter

What was The Prince?

The Prince contradicts humanist ideals about people's goodness
