Response to Literature
Response to Literature
Poetic Devices
What is a narrative
a story written for the purpose of entertaining
What is expository writing?
Writing that informs.
What is response to literature?
writing in response to one or more texts; writing that analyzes literature and explores deeper meanings
Explain what you will be doing your Response to Literature Periodic Assessment.
Read two texts Answer uncovering theme questions to identify the recurring theme of both texts Writing an essay that shows how the TWO texts have the same recurring theme and proving it with textual evidence from each
The following is an example of ___________? Why? Her nails were as sharp as razors. Explain the comparison
simile "as"
What are the elements (bones) of narrative?
Exposition, Conflict, Complication, Climax, Denoument, and Resolution
What is a thesis statement?
a statement that tells what your essay will focus on or will be about; what the author is trying to prove.
what is theme AND recurring theme?
theme: a message/lesson in a text about life or human nature recurring theme: a message/lesson about life or human nature that is the same in two or more texts.
What will your introduction include?
1) A question related to recurrring theme (optional) 2) Brief summaries of each text 3) The definition of recurring theme 4) The thesis statement stating what recurring theme both stories share
The following sentence is an example of _________? Why? David is boring. He is a rock at a party. Explain
metaphor "is"
Define Exposition
Where the setting and main characters are introduced at the beginning of a story.
Why is citation important?
so you avoid plagiarism and you give due credit to the ideas of others
Are ALL response to literature essays about theme?
No, response to literature essays can be about anything within a story
What will the body paragraphs include?
1) topic sentence stating what the theme of each text is 2) two textual evidence supporting the theme in each story 3) set it up, cite it, explain it
The following sentence is an example of _________? Why? Lisa's skin is like velvet. Explain.
simile "like"
What is the differences between 1st person, 3rd person limited, and 3rd person omnicient?
1st person: when the narrator uses "I, me, we, us" and is part of the story. 3rd person limited: when the narrator uses "He, she, they," is not part of the story, and only knows what one of the characters is thinking. 3rd person omniscient: when the narrator uses "He, she, they," is not part of the story, and knows and can explain how other characters feel and think.
What is "set it up," "cite it," and "explain it" mean?
set it up: set up your textual evidence by giving some background information about the passage you are about to quote or paraphrase so that your readers understand your point. cite it: quoting verbatum what someone has said by using quotation marks or paraphrasing his/her ideas and including the page number. explain it: show HOW the evidence proves your point by adding any other information that will make your point clear to the reader
What is the difference between thesis and theme?
thesis is a statement that tells what your essay will focus on or be about theme is a message or lesson a text conveys to readers about life or human nature
What will the conclusion include?
1) Repeat thesis statement 2) Repeat what both characters learn about life or human nature and how they learned it. 3) An explanation of why this recurring theme is important to EVERYONE
The following is an example of __________? Why? I am so hungry I can eat a horse! Explain
Hyperbole (an exagerration) or Idiom (an expression)
Name at least FIVE elements of narrative.
Dialogue, humor, twist ending, vivid details, similes, metaphors, personification, action, etc.
How to you cite a quotation properly?1) using quotes 2) paraphrasing
According to---------------- "......................." (page #). As-----------states, (your own words) (page #). Blah, blah, blah (author, or website).
Name TWO things you can write about in the story "Stop the Sun" by Gary Paulsen that has nothing to do with theme. In other words, what ELSE can you analyze and explore in this story and write about in a response to literature essay?
characaters poetic devices (metaphor, similie, personification) symbolism setting conflicts
To get a FOUR on the Periodic Assessment for Response to literature you must?
have the correct recurring theme a clear/strong thesis statement strong textual evidence for each story supporting the thesis no grammatical errors
The following is an example of ________? Why? The sun smiled at me as I walked down the path of dancing trees. Explain
personification (giving human qualities to animals or objects)