Ch. 4.2 Resource Management
Ch. 1.5 Personnel
Ch. 2.1 Maintenance
Ch.5.1 Communications
Ch.1.3 park planning
Can native plants be planted within state parks on personal and leisure time?
What is No plants, even if native, may be planted within state parks unless given specific authorization by district bureau chief in agreement with chief of BNCR as part of an approved restoration plan.
1. Is a ranger eligible for free entry at other FL state Parks? If yes what do you need to show.
What is Yes Employee ID card
1. All trash cans will be emptied on a regular schedule and they will be cleaned and washed as often as required for sanitation and ______________________.
What is Appearance
According to 5.1 section 3, what is the operating procedure for radio use?
What is Speak in a normal tone-DO NOT SHOUT, speak in clear concise manner, be brief and to the point; the use of codes and 10 signals are not used.
What is the purpose of chapter 1.3 Park Planning?
What is The purpose of this chapter is to establish consistent and effect procedures for administering the following Division and Recreation and Parks (Division) functions: Land Acquisition, Land Administration; Unit Management Planning; Design and Construction.
How does staff determine if visitors are feeding alligators?
What is When an alligator looses its flight reaction, it has become a problem and should be addressed in the Division Nuisance and Exotic animal removal.
3. What is the base percentage raise for a promotion/demotion?
2. In view of the camping fees, campers have every right to expect their campsite to be ______ ______.
What is 2. First class
Using the standard phonetic alphabet in 5.1 section 3e, how would you spell out license plate number BTW 497?
What is Bravo Tango Whiskey 497
What does OPP Mean?
What is Office of Park Planning
Can native venomous snakes be terminated if imposing a threat to guests and campers?
What is All native snakes are protected on state park lands because of their significant role in maintaining the natural food chain. However trained park personnel may relocate snakes away from public areas.
5. Why do we do background checks?
What is (The procedure for background checks implements the requirements of Chapters 409 and 435, F.S., and the National Child Protection Act. This procedure is intended to protect children who are placed in the care of park staff either in day use or overnight programs in state parks. )
3. Name 4 items required for restroom cleaning: ________, _________, ________ and _______.
What is 3. Wet mop and pail, toilet brush, cleaning cloths and sponge, hose
When answering a public telephone line, how should you greet the customer?
What is Provide a friendly greeting, state name of park and ask how you can assist; Example: Good Morning, Oscar Scherer State Park, how may I help you?
One of the purposes of the unit management plan is to help the park determine priorities for park operations.
What is Tre
If wildlife bones are discovered in the park, can they be kept?
What is Wildlife carcasses may be salvaged and retained by the Division for educational and display purposes only.
When can you wear a class C shirt?
What is The Class C Uniform is the work uniform, usually worn when performing physical tasks to include maintenance and cleanup projects, back country work, resource management field work, and water operations. Focus of the work does not involve public contact work)
4. Every job has three parts: ______________, _______________, and ____________________.
What is 4. Getting ready, doing the job and cleaning up
A local news reporter calls the ranger station inquiring about the DEP possibly allowing hunting and logging in Florida State Parks, what do you do?
What is All incoming press contacts should be referred to the Division communications director. Any incoming calls in regards to budget, legislation or controversial issues should be immediately referred to the DEP press office and the Division communications director with topic inquiry, reporter’s name, media outlet and contact information.
What does BDC Mean?
What is The Bureau of Design and Construction
Are artificial roosting and nesting platforms installed in state parks?
What is Yes, but only with specific justification and proof of inadequate natural nesting sites due to loss of habitat. The installation and maintenance of nesting structures must be approved in writing by the district bureau chief.
What determines if you can wear shorts?
What is safety, comfort and duties)
6. Proper areas are provided for the storage of tools, supplies and materials. “A place for everything and ______________ ____ ____ __________.
What is Everything in its place
When using a state telephone, is it okay to use it to call your beau?
What is Phones furnished by the state are for the sole purpose of conducting state business. Personal calls on state property will be limited to the greatest extend possible.
The Unit Management Plan provides the general locations and relationships of a parks features and planned facilities and it reviewed every 6 months. True or false
What is False Reviewed every 5 years