Brilliant white when bleached in sun.
What is cactus algae?
Turns dark brown on beach.
What is pelagic sargassum?
Have bitter chemicals that discourage grazing by fish
What is iridescent-banded algae?
Where branching coralline algae grows?
What is shallow seagrass beds?
family of caulerpa
what is caulepacae
class of brown algae
what is phaeophyceae
what toxic species of caulerpa invaded the Mediterranean seas.
what is c taxifolia
red algae is unrelated to brown algae true or false
slightly twisted dark green straps with slender stalks attached to rhizomes
what is common caulpera
clustered green brown bubble balls that appear partially flattened
ballon seaweed
what is thebeach in the keys made of
pulverized cactus
what family does red spineweed come from
family rhodomelaceae
looks like a smooth turgid dark green water ballon
what is sailors eye/ bubble algae
clustered green brown bubble balls that appear partially flattened
ballon seaweed
word when there is no distinctions between individual cells
bubble like branchlets
what are red grapes
where do caulerpa species grow
grow on reefs and pastures
flat splinting green brown blades with concentric bands and a common holdfast
iridescent banded algae
end point for pelagic sargassum
mid atlantic sargasso sea
reddish flat evenly forked branches rooted at a single holdfast
what is thicket algae