Brilliant white when bleached in sun.
What is cactus algae?
Turns dark brown on beach.
What is pelagic sargassum?
Have bitter chemicals that discourage grazing by fish
What is iridescent-banded algae?
Where branching coralline algae grows?
What is shallow seagrass beds?
Caulerpa Species
What species grow on reefs and seagrass pastures
Hard bottom attached in shallow water
Dictoya is attached where?
What do iridescent banded algae have to avoid grazing?
Red but also can be yellowish or pale green
What other colors can Spiny Seaweed be?
What family is the Sailors eye in?
Branches connect to a strong holdfast
Provides a habitat for hundreds of species of animals
What does sargassum provide?
Red Grapes
Whats one defining feature of Red Grapes?
What algae grows on nearshore reef out to 50 feet
Green fleece algae
Green brown bubble balls
Balloon seaweed has what defining feature?
Photosynthetic pigment
What do red algae have that help them live at greater depths than green plants?
This looks like clumps of spaghetti
Graceful redweed looks like?
The surface is usually covered with encrusting algae of other types.
What is sailors eye covered with?
sargasso weed, gulf-weed
What are two other names for pelagic sargassum
sugars and proteins for buoyancy
The bubble branches of grapes contain what?
This has one holdfast.
How many holdfasts does a Thicket Algae have?