Brilliant white when bleached in sun.
What is cactus algae?
Turns dark brown on beach.
What is pelagic sargassum?
Have bitter chemicals that discourage grazing by fish
What is iridescent-banded algae?
Where branching coralline algae grows?
What is shallow seagrass beds?
What family is green fleece in?
The Codiaceae family.
Type of sargassum that drifts on gulf and Atlantic currents.
Pelagic sargassum.
What does sargassum provide for organisms?
Sarcasm provides a habitat life raft for hundreds of species of animals.
Red grapes and Thicket algae grow on..
Shallow hard bottom.
What type of habitat do caulerpa species live in?
They grow on reefs and sea grass pastures.
What are the identifying features of Padina?
greenish-brown, fan-shape fronds with an in rolled outer margin.
What is Sailors eye?
A single enormous cell, one of the largest known to science.
What are the identifying features of Thicket algae?
reddish, flat, evenly forked branches rooted at a single holdfast.
What algae Are together in the family Udoteaceae?
Cactus algae and shaving brush algae are together with other calcareous algae.
Dictoyta is extremely abundant in certain areas of..
The Florida Keys.
What does coenocytic mean?
There is no distinction between individual cells with direct connections of cytoplasm throughout the plant.
Red algae are unrelated to … algae and somewhat related to … algae.
Brown, Green
What are the identifying features of Grape caulerpa?
long, has pale yellow rhizomes with green branches bearing stubby branchlets that end in swollen tips.
What are six types of brown algae?
Balloon seaweed, Iridescent-banded Alga, Padina, Dictyota, Three cornered Hat, Sargassum Weed.
Red algae have photosynthetic pigment that absorb what color light?
Blue light.
What is the scientific name for Red grapes?
Botryocladia occidentalis.