Determine Meaning
Analyze Author's Choices
Analyze A Point of View
Analyze the Representation
Comprehend Literature

What is the meaning of acerbic in the following sentence?

One sip of the acerbic drink made her lips pucker.

What is...

bitter or sour


What are the definitions of the following words? 



What is...

Lore: A specific body of knowledge

Tangible: Capable of being touched or felt


What is making an inference?

What is... 

Coming to a conclusion using evidence from the text and your own reasoning


What is a medium?

What is...

A medium is the material or means in which an artist or writer creates a work.


What is figurative language? 

What is...

Language that has a different meaning form the literal translation.


What does one more straw mean?

What is...

The final action or event that caused a negative reaction.


What does exposition do?

What is...

Introduces background information about events, settings, and characters for the reader.

Sets the stage for future events in the story.

Can help build suspense.


What is implicit and explicit evidence?

What is...

Implicit: Implied

Explicit: Directly stated


When analyzing different mediums what do the words visual and written represent? 

What is...

Artistic (V) and Literary (W)


What is a hyperbole? 

Is the following sentence and example of a hyperbole.

I have told you to do that 1 million times.

What is...

An exaggerated statement.


What does the word innocuous mean in the following sentence?

This is used to talk about a big negative consequence of a seemingly innocuous act.

What is...



What is the definition of mystery, tension, and suspense?

What is...

Mystery: Anything that is left unexplained or unknown 

Tension: Strain or tense feeling

Suspense: Feeling of anticipation


What does perspective or point of view refer to?

What is...

Personal beliefs, judgments, and attitude about a subject they are writing about.


What is propaganda?

What is...

information used to promote a particular political cause or point of view.


Which of the following is an example of personification?

After a few days, the cut on my arm was angry and red.

The kids were as smelly as a skunk after the football game.

What is...

After a few days, the cut on my arm was angry and red.


What does the word stifle mean in the following sentence?

Parliament planned a series of four acts, or laws, intended to stifle opposition in Massachusetts.

What is...

Suppress or stop


What does foreshadowing do in a story? 

What is...

Author gives hints of what is to come later in the story.

Often appears at the beginning of a story to help the reader develop expectations about future events. 

Creates an atmosphere of suspense in a story so that the reader is interested to read more.


What 3 effects does cultural experience have on authors? 

What is...

Personalities of the characters they write.

Perspective they see the world from.

Plot lines of their stories.


What are the 3 steps used to analyze a medium? 

What is...

Observation and Collection of Evidence

Make Inferences

Synthesize and Use Evidence


What are the 4 identifying topics?

What is...






What is connotation? 

Give two examples.

What is...

Connotation is a feeling associated with a word.

Positive:    Negative:

Slender      Scrawny  

Laid Back   Lazy


Which of the following sentences features exposition? 

1. "You have good eyes," said Whitney, with a laugh, "and I've seen you pick off a moose moving in the brown fall brush at four-hundred yards, but even you can't see four miles or so through a moonless Caribbean night."

2. The lights of the yacht became faint and ever-vanishing fireflies; then they were blotted out entirely by the night. 

3. "Sometimes I think evil is a tangible thing - with the wave lengths, just as sound and light have." 

4. A certain coldheadedness had come to him; it was not the first time he had been in a tight place.

What is...

1 and 4

1. "You have good eyes," said Whitney, with a laugh, "and I've seen you pick off a moose moving in the brown fall brush at four-hundred yards, but even you can't see four miles or so through a moonless Caribbean night."

4. A certain coldheadedness had come to him; it was not the first time he had been in a tight place.

What 4 things can perspective be shaped by?

What is...

Events experienced by the author.

Cultural values they hold.

Social issues they have dealt with.

Personal experience


What do you look for when you are observing and collecting evidence in a visual medium? 

What is...

Focal Point, Colors and Mood, and Sources


Match the sentences the the correct categories. 

1. Personification

2. Hyperbole

A. The alarm clock interrupted her dreams without remorse.

B. The girl was sick and tired of being called names by the other children. 

C. The two boys waited in line for ever. 

D.  Their new car is as fast as lightning. 

What is...

1. A

2. B,C,and D
