This cartel... I mean... company, runs flow
What is Dapper?
The youngest member of the Flowty team, Mike's very own
Who is baby Jack?
What is 60,000
Who is Ash?
Austin's language of choice for the Flowty back-end
What is Go
This marketplace was Flowty's biggest competitor until about 6 months ago.
What is gaia?
Michael Levy's wife
Who is Melissa?
Dapper once told Flowty they had to change this (and later dropped their request)
What is the logo / name?
Who is Haku?
The programming language for the Flow network, or your steps per minute in a race
What is Cadence?
This company put out a mega-RFP a few months back and owns Hulu streaming
What is Disney?
Previous developer DJ at Flowty
Who is Julian?
Austin's ethereum tag
What is Hakumoo
Eugene's favorite NBA team
Who are the bucks?
What is OpenSearch?
The company Trevor works for that ISNT called Flowty
What is Matrix networks?
The baseball player who an advisor to Flowty was named after? He had a famous MLB fight at the mound
Who is Nolan Ryan?
This company preceded Austin on Flowty's development
What is limechain?
Felipe's wife
Who Sinioly?
Julian's biggest commit by LOC in the flowty-app repo all occurred in this file
What is package-lock.json?
This company tried to rip off Flowty in late 2021. They made it a few months
What is Mantel?
Who is arsenic
This news organization interviewed Mike Levy about his Topshot collection in early 2021
What is CNBC?
What is longboarding
The type of technology Austin OSS'ed from Amazon
What are graph databases?