Where do you check out a book?
The school library.
What are the name of FL's and RR's principals?
Mr. Pease and Ms. Troung
How many gyms does FL have?
Who is the SUN Manager at Floyd Light?
How do you sign up for SUN?
Turn in a SUN form to the SUN or main office.
If you are late to school, where do you check in?
The attendance office.
What are the names of RR Vice Principals?
What is the name of FL Vice Principal?
Mr. Tew and Mr. Browning
Mr. Stevens
Where do students go to change for PE?
The P.E locker rooms.
Who is the SUN Manager at Ron Russell
Which 4 seasons does SUN happen in?
Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer.
When you are hurt or in pain, where do you go?
The nurses room by the main office.
What is RR's mascot? What is FL's mascot?
Timberwolves. Falcons.
What are some ways a student receives a detention?
Using foul language, harming others, yelling at peers/adults, and etc...
What is Anthony's favorite food?
Chinese Food.
True or False:
Do the middle school SUN programs have a spring break SUN camp?
Where are students not allowed to go into?
Staff room and staff bathrooms.
If your last name is from A-L which counselor do you have at Floyd Light? How about Ron Russell?
Mrs. Charles for FL
Mrs. LudLow for RR
If you need help cleaning a mess, who do you ask?
The custodian.
What does Erika like to do for fun?
The first day for Fall SUN at FL? The first day for Fall SUN at RR?
October 1st for FL.
October 9th for RR.
Where do you go to when you need to talk to an adult about something serious?
The counselors office.
If your last name is from M-Z which counselor do you have at Floyd Light? How about Ron Russell?
Mrs. Ayala for FL
Ms. Johnson for RR
What field trip do you take during the fall?
Outdoor School!
Which teacher has a twin?
You get an ice cream party and a prize if....?
You attend SUN for 30 days or more throughout the year?