Front Desk Basics
Scary Scenarios
Scheduling Basics

When checking a patient in to a provider appointment, if you do not see notes regarding a flu vaccine, always do this.

Offer the flu vaccine to patient and other direct family members who are present.


A family wants to start coming to COPA and get their flu vaccines! How do you schedule this appointment?

With a provider as a NP WCC or NP Office Visit for Vaccine Counseling


If someone is calling to schedule a provider appointment, always offer a flu vaccine to patient and parent, as long as:

The patient does not have sick symptoms, or as long as there is no note saying they do not vaccinate.


A parent is checking in their child and says they would like to switch from flu mist to an injection. What do you do?

Update the appointment note.


A parent of a COPA patient calls and requests a flu clinic appointment, just for themselves. What do you do?

Schedule the appointment.


If a NP is calling for a flu vaccine, but does not want to establish care, please send them to:

The health department, a pharmacy, or their PCP's office.


You are checking a patient in for their 4 month WCC. The parent asks if the baby can have their flu shot today. What do you do?

Advise them to visit with the provider, but let them know we do not offer the flu vaccine for anyone under 6 months old.


A parent is scheduling their child in for a flu vaccine on the nurse schedule and is asking to get theirs, as well. How do you schedule this appointment?

Back to back appointments, or double book on the vaccine clinic schedule.


If someone declines the flu vaccine for a provider appointment, please document that in this location.

In the appointment note.


During flu season, always prioritize ________________ when processing paperwork from runner baskets or the Clinical team.

Flu add on registrations.


You are scheduling a flu appointment and notice the only appointment that has been completed in the last 3 years is last year's flu vaccine. What do you do?

Treat them like a NP.


To get a flu vaccine, patients do not need to be ______ on their _____, as long as they have been seen by a provider in ________.

Do not need to be current on their WCC, as long as they have been seen by a provider in the last 3 years - but we should try and get them in for a WCC.


A parent is checking in a child for their WCC. She has also brought 3 other sibs, and is requesting everyone get their flu vaccine. What do you do?

Get some of them in, schedule others for flu clinic.


The flu clinic schedule has just opened, and there are days with no appointments. A parent, who lives an hour away and has 8 children, calls to schedule their flu shots, with parents. What do you do?

Schedule them back to back if you can find a space for them on the flu clinic schedule. Double book parents on to a child.


A parent calls and wants to schedule herself and two children for flu mist. Who can have the mist? When do you need to schedule them?

Children can have the mist, end of September or later, still will be dependent on availability.
