I Hope You Have the Solution to My Problem
Hormonal Impact and Osmolality Substances
What are the Patient's Symptoms?
Body Fluid Intake and Loss
What Are the Parameters?
A IV solution that is given to increase blood pressure and volume
What is an Isotonic Fluid (NaCl and Lactated Ringers Solution)?
When given to a patient, I move potassium from the blood to the inside of the cell, causing the serum postassium to drop
What is insulin?

Symptoms of lethargy, confusion, muscle weakness, decreased DTRs, diarrhea, and later symptoms of respiratory problems or death may be are caused by this electrolyte imbalance

This electrolyte imbalance may also be a sign of a brain tumor

What is hyponatremia?
I am a fluid loss that is seen through urine, sweat, and feces
What is sensible fluid loss?
The normal range of potassium
What is 3.5- 5.3 mEq/L?
I am the best IV solution that you would give to someone who is dehydrated
What is a hypotonic solution, 0.45% Saline?
My serum calcium has increased, so now this electrolye will decrease
What is phosphorous?
S/S including muscle tingling, twitching, and burning that progresses to numbness, weakness and paralysis, in combination with diarrhea, brady cardia, EKG changes, cardiac arrhythmias and possibly asystole are indicative of this electrolye imbalance
What is hyperkalemia?
Elderly have less water in their cells because of this
What is a lack of muscle and an increase in fat.
Since day one in the nursing program, the concentration level of the chief electrolyte, sodium, has been drilled into our minds as this range.
What is 135-145 mEq/L?
I am an optimal maintenence solution that should be given when a patient is NPO or not eating.
What is D5W & 0.45% Saline + KCL?
When calcium decreases, this hormone is excreted in order to increase calcium leaving the bone, as well as decreases calcium excretion
What is Parathyroid hormone?
A positive Chvostek and Trousseau's sign, hyperactive DTRs, tetany, muscle cramps, convulsions, cardiac changes and arrhythmias can be indicative of this electrolye imbalance
What is hypocalcemia?
The three main fluid intake sources routes are
What is ingested fluid, water in foods, and oxidation?
Normal ranges of calcium fall between these two numbers
What is 9.0-11.0 mg/dL?
I am a solution that would be given if someone were to have symptoms of cerebral edema or severe symptomatic hyponatremia
What is 0.3% saline?
When blood pressure and blood volume drop, there is a decrease in renal perfusion. This hormone will retain sodium and water in order to increase BP
What is Aldosterone?
Weakness, numbness, tingling, pathological fx, NV, anorexia, irritability, seizures, coma, weakness or respiratory muscles are indicative of these electrolye imbalance
What is hypophosphatemia?
I am the primary insensible fluid loss
What is insensible fluid loss through respirations?
The normal range of phosphorous is between these two numbers
What is 2.4-4.5 mg/dL?
In which unit would we be more likely to see a hypertonic fluid be administered?
What is a neurointensive unit?
Albumin is the most abundant plasma protein. Third spacing may become evident if the albumin level drops below
What is 2.5?
Hyperactive DTRs, cardiac changes, seizures and neuromuscular/CNS irritability will be seen with this electrolyte imbalance
What is hypomagnesemia?
If I give 1,000 mLs to a patient, only 250 mLs will be placed into the vascular system because of this
What is intracellular fluid has 2/3 of the total body water?
Between what two numbers is the normal level of magnesium?
What is 1.5-2.5 mEq/L?