This system controls your blood flow?
Circulatory System
What body part is the start of the digestive system?
The mouth
What is the xylem's job?
Stokes and Epilepsy are diseases affect this Living System?
Which system supports your muscles allowing you to move?
Skeletal System
The spine belongs to what system?
What is the job of your ribs?
To protect your lungs and heart
Asthma affects this living system
Respiratory system
Wear a helmet
This system controls your breathing flowing oxygen in and carbon dioxide out.
Respiratory System
The intestines belong to what system?
make sugars
How does asthma affect its living system?
The airways in the lungs get swollen and filled
with mucus. This causes smaller airways and
makes it harder to breathe.
A pacemaker
How do our systems work together to allow us to move our bodies?
The nervous system tells our muscular system to move. The muscular system moves the skeletal system so we can move.
If someone has a stroke, which body part isn’t getting enough blood?
What is the main job of the heart?
To circulate blood and oxygen through the body.
The heart pumps blood from the lungs through arteries to the cells in the body.
The heart also pumps blood filled with carbon dioxide (waste) back to the lungs and out of the body.
How does epilepsy affect its living system?
The electrical signals from the brain to the body
get interrupted, causing seizures in the body.
How many bones does a baby have?
300 bones
How does the circulatory system interact with other body systems? Be specific and make sure to include 5 interactions in your answer.
The circulatory system works closely with the respiratory system to spread oxygen to the cells in our body.
- digestive system to spread nutrients from food to our cells.
- supply nutrients and oxygen to our muscles and bones to allow them to grow.
- It also brings oxygen to our brain, so that doesn’t have a stroke.
The lungs belong to what system?
How do the lungs and heart work together to get oxygen to our cells?
The lungs bring in air from outside and is taken from the lungs and put into the blood. The heart spreads the oxygenated blood through the body. The cells use the oxygen and make carbon dioxide. The blood picks up the carbon dioxide and the lungs get rid of the CO2 by exhaling.
How does a stroke affects its living system?
Blood stops flowing to the brain, which means
the brain has no oxygen. This kills brain cells.
True or False:
Mrs. Smith has asthma?