Rules and Policies
Opening and Closing
Student Personnel

You find the dirty rag bin full when you come into your shift. What should you do?

1. Start a load of laundry and make a note in communications (especially if it won’t be done before the end of your shift so the next FM knows to finish the laundry). 

Tip: Directions for laundry are in the binder and there is a video in the google drive.


What is your dress code?

1. Green shirt

2. Nametag

3. Closed-toed shoes


Where can you find a detailed outline of opening, during, and closing duties?

Reference Binder or Training Guides doc in Google Drive


If it is your monitor’s first day, what do you use to train them and what do you do after training them?

1. Use the binder with the training guide (located at the podium)

2. Fill out the google form saying you trained them


Where is detailed outline of emergency procedures located?

Student Employee Handbook 


Someone’s ID comes up as access denied on Fusion. What do you do?

1. Ask them if they are currently enrolled in classes.

2. Ensure they are a STUDENT (Fac/Staff do not have access).

3. Make a note of their name and ID number in comms so pro-staff can check if they are enrolled in classes.


When should you be arriving to your shifts?

5 minutes early


Where is the key to unlock or lock the Underground door located?

Top desk drawer


A monitor initials off that they cleaned equipment but it’s clearly still dirty, what do you do?

Point out that equipment is still dirty and clean it with them


What’s the first thing you should read when you work a FM shift up through the last day you worked?



A treadmill is not working, what steps do you take?

1. Try troubleshooting - make sure it is plugged in,  turning it off and back on, safety button in place.

2. Fill out broken equipment form.

3. Place out of order sign on it.


Someone is lifting without shoes on, what do you do?

Confront them. Remind them of our policies (sign on wall) and ask them to put their shoes back on.

Must consistently enforce rules!!


What type of music can you play on Spotify?

Non-explicit; clean!


What do you do if you find the monitor on their phone?

1. Address it with the monitor and remind them of the policies

2. Fill out a blue sheet (pinned on the search bar)


What is the ratio of compressions to breaths in CPR?



Fusion stops working and won’t keep track of patrons signing in. What steps do you take to fix it?

1. Make a note in comms about the issue. 

2. Unplug and plug back in the scanner, close out of and restart the Fusion application.

3. If that doesn't work, restart the computer as a whole.

4. Make a list of names and ID numbers of students who enter Underground while Fusion is down.


Someone turns in air pods. What do you do with it?

1. Make a note of it in comms

2. Call Public Safety and have them pick it up

DO NOT use desk drawer as a lost and found!

Where does the payroll iPad go at night?

Desk drawer & plugged in


What do you need to do with payroll each hour?

Ensure both you and monitor signed in correctly on both sign-in sheet AND google doc. Initial off on both 


Where is the AED located?

Near Student Services desk 


Tornado sirens are going off. What steps do you take?

1. Direct everyone into Sussman Theater. If full, into hallway by Res Life and Sodexo.

2. Lock UG and do not allow anyone to be in there.

3. Wait for Public Safety to give you the "all clear" before reopening.

4. Fill out incident report and include any names of individuals who did NOT follow procedures (e.g. they left the building).


Why do we not allow personal technology usage?

Liability & distraction 


What things do you need to turn on every morning and off every night?

1. Treadmills

2. Stair steppers 

3. Computer

4. Lights


Outline the steps you take when a monitor no shows.

  1. Check all-shift schedule and sub book to see who is supposed to work it. 

  1. Contact that person. If can’t get ahold of them, utilize contact list to find an emergency sub. 

  1. You must move between desk and the corner of UG.


Why do I have you do facility counts?

To know how many people accessed the facility per hour 

Note: To serve as backup of data collection. I use these to determine where we can cut hours.
