True or False
Employee Eligibility
Misc Leave Questions
Double Jeopardy

True or False. LV employees may be approved for FMLA for a sibling

What is True. Culinary Union employees may request leave for siblings


How many hours must an employee work to be eligible for FMLA leave?

Employees must have worked at least 1,250 hours over the course of the last 12 months to be eligible for FMLA leave.


True or False. When an employee is approved for FMLA-FTO you are required to notify Payroll via email. 

False. It is no longer a requirement to notify Payroll of an FMLA-FTO approval.  


Covered employers who have employees who are eligible for FMLA leave must:

A) Provide employees with general notice about the FMLA

B) Notify employees concerning their eligibility status and rights and responsibilities under the FMLA

C) Notify employees whether specific leave is designated as FMLA leave and the amount of time that will count against their FMLA leave entitlement.

D) All of the above

D) All of the above

Source: Fact Sheet # 28D: Employer Notification Requirements under the Family and Medical Leave Act, US Department of Labor


Does the following situation meet criteria for a job protected leave under the FMLA guidelines? Yes or No?

Bonnie Beauty was preparing for her 35th high school reunion and had liposuction requiring multiple outpatient treatments with a physician. (Bonus Point: What Union auto-approves for cosmetic surgery?) 

No or Maybe. Under these circumstances, the treatments would be considered as cosmetic. Cosmetic treatments or surgery do not qualify unless they require in-patient hospital care or unless medical complications develop. (Bonus: Except for Borgata Unite Here Local 54 employees) 


True or False. An employee that is approved PFML from Sunlife is automatically approved for IFMLA. 

False. (Or maybe)  The approval is dependent on the relationship to the employee under FMLA eligibility guidelines.


Do the 12 months of service with the employer have to be continuous or consecutive?

No, the work time does not have to be continuous or consecutive. The 12 months of service can be accumulated within 7 years. 


Does an employee is experiencing severe morning sickness and who is occasionally absent from work meet the criteria for a job-protected leave under the FMLA? Yes or No?

Yes, any period of incapacity due to pregnancy meets the criteria. In addition, some state leave laws may provide additional benefits due to pregnancy.


If an employee has requested an FMLA leave and does not provide the FMLA certification but provides a doctor's note, can the doctor's note be accepted?

No, under FMLA we would need to send an incomplete letter requesting that the FMLA certification be completed.


Does the following situation meet criteria for a job protected leave under the FMLA? Yes or No?

Mary’s elderly mother has Alzheimer's. Her nursing home is closing their Alzheimer's wing so Mary has requested leave to locate another care facility.

Yes, arranging care for a qualifying family member is a covered reason for leave under the FMLA.


True or False. FMLA leave covers the placement of a child for adoption or foster care. 

What is True? The FMLA explicitly covers events incident to the adoption process in addition to the bonding period following a placement. Although the regulations are not specific, an employer such assume that the same circumstances governing adoption also govern foster care.


Do the 1,250 hours to qualify for FMLA include paid leave time or other absences from work?

B) No, the 1,250 hours include only those hours actually worked during the most recent past 12 months for the employer. Paid leave and unpaid leave, including FMLA leave, are not included.


Is there an ADA-FTO option in Workday?

Yes, there are FTO options for FMLA, Gen Med, and ADA.


Although FMLA leave is unpaid, can the employer require its employees to use any available paid vacation or paid time off concurrently with FMLA?

Yes. “An eligible employee may choose, or an employer may require the employee, to substitute accrued paid leave for FMLA leave. ‘Substitute’ means that the accrued paid leave will run concurrently with the unpaid FMLA leave.”


Does the following situation meet criteria for a job protected leave under USERA? Yes or No?

Michael Stevens' Mom is a soldier in the US Army. Is Michael considered a (covered) military member under the USERA regulations? 

Yes, A covered military member is the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent who is on active duty or call to active-duty status. 


True or False: An employee who is receiving workers’ compensation benefits as a result of a job-related injury is not entitled to take FMLA leave.

False. “An employee’s workers’ compensation absence may be due to an on-the-job injury or illness that also qualifies as a serious health condition under the FMLA. In this scenario, the workers’ compensation absence and FMLA leave may run concurrently.”


Does it make a difference if the employee is full time or part time?

A) No, all employees are eligible if they the FMLA eligibility requirements


How many days after requesting a consecutive leave does an employee have to provide the documentation before the unauthorized leave process begins? (Bonus 100 Points: When do we need to notify Lesley and Holly before proceeding with a ULOA?)

15 days, the unauthorized leave process should begin on the 16th day. Bonus Answer: When it is a HR employee  or a VP) 


FMLA became law under which presidential administration? (Bonus Point: What year did FMLA become law?)

A) George HW Bush

B) George W Bush

C) Bill Clinton

D) Barack Obama

C) Bill Clinton. FMLA was a signature piece of legislation for the first term of the Clinton Administration. FMLA became law in 1993


Does the following situation meet criteria for a job protected leave under the FMLA? Yes or No?

Marcus Doe is receiving treatment for substance abuse on an out‐patient basis.

Yes, as long as all FMLA conditions are met and treatment is administered by a health care provider.  


True or False: We require documentation to support a Domestic Violence Leave. 

False. MGM does not REQUIRE documentation to support a Domestic Violence Leave. The letter sent to the employee RECOMMENDS documentation to be provided. 


How many hours worked are required to be eligible for Borgata Family Leave?

What is 1000 Hours?


DCC (Detroit Casino Counsel) includes what specific Unions?

Unite HERE





Name three leave types that must run concurrently in Workday.

There are multiple types of leaves that can run concurrently:


FMLA/Workers Comp

FMLA/Medical Union Leave


FMLA/Domestic Violence

FMLA/ NY Disability


(Bonus: FMLA/Non-Medical Child Rearing)


Does the following situation meet criteria for a job protected leave under the FMLA? Yes or No?

Sheba Vee requested a leave to care for her grandmother with cancer who is hospitalized. Sheba’s grandmother raised her as a child.

Yes – because Sheba Vee’s grandmother raised her “in loco parentis”, Sheba’s grandmother is considered a covered family member under the FMLA. (If Sheba provides the necessary statement in order to approve)
