This work classification is defined as "Expansion, extension, or update of an existing asset to accommodate new technology or a change of function or unmet programmatic needs."
What is Alteration (ALTER)?
This is what ABAAS stands for.
What is Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standard?
This system acronym and description is considered the FRP "system of record".
What is FBMS, Financial Business Management System (FBMS)?
This course is considered foundational training for FMSS and is prerequisite training for FMSS Basics.
What is FMSS Fast Track?
This set of 4-digit numbers separates our asset portfolio into categories.
What is the Asset Code?
This work classification can be described as routine and preventative activities performed on capital assets.
What is Maintenance (MAINT)?
The U.S. Access Board provides these which provides recommendations for accessibility.
What are guidelines?
This type of property must be identifiable with an item on the US Department of the Interior (DOI) Standard Asset Code List.
What is Real Property?
This tool, accessible on the Park Facility Management Division (PFMD) Portal, is your one-stop shop for requesting access to all Enterprise Facility Management Software System (eFMSS) applications.
What is the FMSS User Management Process (FUMP)?
The name of the Module in the FMSS under which you will find the Locations application.
What is Assets?
This work classification describes the replacement of critical component/system that extends the useful life of a capital asset, and major renovations without a significant change in function or capacity.
What is recapitalization (RECAP)?
This Act prohibits federal government entities from discriminating against individuals on the basis of disability.
What is the American Disabilities Act (of 1990)?
Guidelines for this type of property is offered in Handbook #44, also associated with a Reference Manual of the same number.
What is personal?
This system is used to retrieve data entered in the FMSS in an organized, exportable format.
What is the Asset Management Reporting System (AMRS)?
The selection list for Primary Use on the Specifications tab of a Location record in the FMSS contains two selections - Admin Use and what other type of Primary Use?
What is Public Use?
This work classification, of the facility operations variety, is described by activities performed to ensure safety from unanticipated hazards or obstructions.
What is Snow/Sand/Debris (SN)?
This section number provides digital community with compliance guidelines for accessibility.
What is 508?
This office works in conjunction with the FBMS Business Integration Office (BIO) to handle FRPP data uploads not accessible to parks or regions.
What is the Washington Support Office (WASO)?
This "SharePoint" site offers a searchable library of resources related to the NPS Facility Management Program (FMP).
What is the Asset Management Toolbox SharePoint (AMT)?
Name one of the three acronyms visible on the Locations application List tab in FMSS which serve as column headers, each consisting of only three letters.
What is API, CRV, or FCI? (Identifying any one of the three is a correct answer.)
This work classification is described as the substitution or exchange of one entire existing asset for another to perform the same function. It must also be accompanied by a Divestiture work order.
What is Replacement (REPLACE)?
This is what PAVE stands for.
What is Park Accessibility for Visitors and Employees?
Title V of this Act enables eligible organizations to use unutilized, underutilized, excess, and surplus Federal properties to assist persons experiencing homelessness.
What is the McKinney-Vento Act?
Access requests through FUMP for this system, which can be utilized for entering actual labor and material costs to existing FMSS work orders, does not trigger the FMSS Fast Track training requirement.
What is the Work Order Reporting Kiosk (WORK)?
The data field that contains the only 'default' filter and which can be seen on the Advanced Search window in the FMSS Locations application.
What is Site?