DEI/Culture Humility
Food and Culture
Peer presentations 1
Peer presentations 2

What term refers to a rigid attitude, belief, or opinion held by an individual about another person or group, based on flawed or unsubstantiated information? An example of this is that Black or Latino applicants are often treated less favorably than white applicants with the same financial qualifications. This can manifest in actions like landlords falsely claiming a property is unavailable or imposing stricter rental terms.



Dr. Long mentioned 3 constructions in cultural identity in her talk. What are the 3 constructions?

Cultural, social and person


Research shows that individuals living in neighborhoods with safe parks, clean air, and access to grocery stores with fresh produce have better physical and mental health outcomes. Which social determinant of health is described in this context?

Neighborhood and built environment


Which country houses Africa's 3rd largest lake, has a large Christian following, was once a British colony, and practices the following etiquette: greetings, bringing a small gift, indirect speech, modest dress?



Which country is primarily made up of European descendants, has a large Catholic following, houses the grocery chain "Dia", and utilizes the following common ingredients: Beef, pork, corn, potato, chimichurri, lemon?



What term describes the act of assigning generalized and oversimplified characteristics to an individual or group, often based on assumptions about their race, gender, or other traits? An example of this is assuming that all women are less competent in technical fields or that all teenagers are irresponsible, regardless of their individual abilities or behavior.



What term refers to the practices related to the production, preparation, distribution and consumption of food within a particular community or group? For example, traditional recipes passed down through generations, the significance of communal meals, and the influence of local ingredients on a region’s cuisine.



What are the five domains under the social determinants of health?

Economic stability, education access and quality, health care access and quality, social and community context, and neighborhood and built environment.


Which country boasts 2,026 miles of coastline, has many common religions, practices a belief in "hot/cold" foods, and practices the following holidays: Tet, National Day, and Mid-Autumn Festival?



Which country is primarily Spanish-Speaking, has a large Catholic following, houses the grocery chain "Walmart", and practices the following etiquette: Food should be eaten with a fork and knife, licking fingers is rude, hands shouldn't be held in the lap, and guests are expected to stay and chat after a meal?



What term refers to the principle of ensuring that all individuals are treated fairly and have access to the same opportunities, resources, and rights, regardless of their differences such as race, gender, socioeconomic status, or background? For example, providing equal pay for equal work, ensuring voting rights for all citizens, and creating accessible education systems for everyone, regardless of their circumstances.



We discussed the food choice motives. What are the nine common food choice motives as we discussed? 

Health, mood, convenience, natural content, price, sensory appeal, familiarities, weight control, and ethical concerns


Results from a research project revealed that married couples live longer than divorced couples. Which social determinants of health fit in this context?

Social and community context 


Which country is primarily made up of British and Indigenous descendants, has a large Christian following, may utilize the wijuti grub in traditional medicine, and is known to make the following holiday foods: Pavlova, trifles, potato bake, barbeque?



This arid country has a large Muslim following, believes in a holistic approach to health, and utilizes the following common ingredients: Fava beans, eggplant, chickpeas, cheese, and vegetables.



What term refers to the practice of providing individuals or groups with the specific resources and support they need to achieve fair outcomes, acknowledging that different people may require different levels of assistance based on their unique circumstances? For example, offering additional educational programs to students from underserved communities to help close achievement gaps or providing accessible healthcare services to those in remote areas.



What term refers to the process by which individuals or groups adjust and integrate into a new cultural environment while maintaining aspects of their original culture? For example, immigrants learning the language and customs of their new country while continuing to celebrate traditional holidays and practices from their homeland.

Cultural adaptation


Results from a research project revealed that children in well-funded schools often have better access to nutritious meals, health education outcomes, and extracurricular programs, compared to those in underfunded schools. Which social determinant of health is described in this context?

Education access and quality


Which country has a population of 71.7 million, has a large Buddhist following, may ferment, smoke, or stirfry food, and utilizes the following common ingredients: Chilies, coconut milk, seafood, tamarind, and fish sauce?



This religion is practiced on every inhabited continent, believes in an afterlife, promotes self-discipline, and practices the following holidays: Advent, Lent, and Ash Wednesday.



What is the definition of cultural humility? Hit at least 4 aspects. 

Cultural humility is a lifelong process of self-reflection and learning, characterized by a commitment to understanding and respecting the cultural identities and experiences of others: 

  1. Self-Awareness: Recognizing and addressing one's own biases, assumptions, and privileges.
  2. Openness: Acknowledging and valuing the cultural perspectives of others without judgment.
  3. Adaptability: Continuously learning from interactions with individuals from diverse backgrounds and being willing to adjust behaviors or practices to be more inclusive and respectful.
  4. Collaboration: Building partnerships based on mutual respect and an understanding of cultural differences, often prioritizing the voices and perspectives of marginalized or underserved communities.

What is the definition of "Omnivore's Paradox"? 

Humans can consume a wide variety of foods available on every continent. They are attracted to new foods, but prefer familiar foods.


Explain how economic stability influences health outcomes as a key factor within the social determinants of health. Include one potential public policy solution to address this issue and improve economic stability for underserved populations.

(answer varies)


This religion with approximately 520 million followers, does not center around the belief in a creator god or gods. Instead, its teachings focus on the cycles of before-life and after-life, emphasizing karma, meditation, and the path to enlightenment.



This religion has about 2 billion followers and believes in the "Five Pillars". Followers pray 5 times a day and believe health is a gift from God, and utilize the following common spices: Ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, cumin.

