This species has prominent fur on cheeks (ruffs), spotted coat, tips of tail + ears are black.
Lynx rufus
This is the largest of the canines.
Gray Wolf /Canis lupus
Because wildlife is in public trust resource who is responsible for wildlife management?
the US government - executed through state and federal agencies.
The metric that refers to the spatial, temporal dimensions of an object, pattern or process.
This ecological concept supports the notion that natural selection favors genetic success, not reproductive success.
Hamilton’s Rule
This species has a mutual relationship with coyotes. Similar prey; complimentary hunting methods.
American Badger/ Taxidea taxus
What is the scientific name for this species?
American Mink
Scientific name: Neovison vison
This act provides funding for states and territories to support wildlife restoration, conservation, and hunter education and safety programs. Funding comes from excise taxes on firearms, ammunition, and archery equipment. Receipts from these excise taxes are deposited into the Federal Aid to Wildlife Restoration Fund.
Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act 1937
When a sink habitat is preferred over better habitat.
Ecological trap
Energy used at rest is called _____.
Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
Who left this print?
American Black Bear/
Ursus Americanus
What is the abbreviated scientific name for this species?
vesper bat/ big brown bat
The components of the wildlife management triad include:
People, wildlife populations, habitat
This a set of principles that, collectively applied, has led to the form, function, and successes of wildlife conservation and management in the United States and Canada.
North American Model of Conservation
This functions such as respiration, blood circulation, muscle tone
basal metabolism
This species was thought to be extinct but rediscovered in 1997, and has an orange blaze on it's chest.
Pacific Marten
Martes caurina/
Humboldt Marten
Martes caurina humboldtensis
What causes deer to shed/drop their antlers?
dramatic loss of testosterone after mating season ends and it causes the antlers to simply break off at the base.
The four general goals of wildlife management are:
sustained yield, increase populations, reduce populations, do nothing
BIDE stands for:
Births, Immigration, Deaths, Emigration
Name three indirect methods for studying animal behavior:
Trail Cameras
radio telemetry
satellite telemetry
This bird/call should be easily recognized by local wildlife managers.
(Play sound)
Barred Owl
Barred Owl Sounds, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
This species teeth never stop growing, and if they don't get an adequate diet, they’re teeth can become dangerously long. (Scientific name)
Western gray squirrel Sciurus griseus
In this approach, wildlife conservation agencies engage NGO's, other governmental agencies, and local communities in decision making. The authority/resources for management are derived from partnerships.
Comanegerial approach
When a population's density or abundance affects vital rates it can in turn affect population growth rate. This is called
Density Dependence
Sampling method where individual animals are followed and behaviors recorded over set time period.
Focal animal sampling