The monomers of nucleic acids.
What are nucleotides?
The phase where DNA is replicated.
What is S-phase (interphase)?
Enzyme(s) responsible for transcription.
What is RNA polymerase?
The three nucleotide sequence in the mRNA that translates to an amino acid.
What is a codon?
•DNA Replication errors
•High Energy Radiation
•Mutagenic chemicals
What are causes of DNA mutations?
Name of bond formed by dehydration reaction between amino acids in a polypeptide.
What is a peptide bond?
Enzyme responsible for separating dsDNA for replication.
What is helicase?
The template strand.
What is the strand used for transcription?
Enzyme for translation.
What is the ribosome?
Changes a lysine to an alanine?
What is a missense mutation?
(Consequence to the protein from a DNA change)
Carbon number where you find a hydrogen in DNA or a hydroxyl in RNA.
What is carbon 2?
Type of bond broken by helicase?
What are hydrogen bonds?
Direction DNA template is READ by RNA Polymerase.
What is 3' to 5'?
Direction that mRNA is READ for translation.
What is 5' to 3'?
5'-ATG TTA-3' to 5'-ATG ATT T-3'
What is an insertion?
Type of DNA mutation
Two factors that determine nucleotide base pairing.
What are
-# of hydrogen bonds and
Reason to replicate the genome.
What is to create a new cell?
1. The RNA world
2. Location of DNA and protein synthesis.
3. Multiple proteins could possible be made from one DNA.
What are the reasons for transcription of RNA?
First amino acid of all translated polypeptide.
What is methionine? (Codon=AUG)
R-groups are important for bonds involved in which level(s) of protein structure.
What are tertiary and quaternary structure.
Reaction that removes monomers from a nucleic acid.
What is a hydrolysis reaction?
Direction that DNA polymerase synthesizes the new DNA strand.
What is 5' to 3'?
Region of the gene that ends transcription.
What is the terminator sequence?
Part of the ribosome responsible for the enzymatic function?
What is the rRNA?
If the R-group is only -CH3, then the amino acid is what type.
What is hydrophobic?