I co-founded Apple along with Steve Wozniak. Many of my famous inventions were the iPhone, iPad, and the macBook?
Who is Steve Jobs?
What value is 100 in the following equation:
arc (300,100,100,100,0,180);
What is the Y value?
_____ is the information received in computing. _____ is the information produced in computing.
What is behind?
Given the following equation, what is the apple's x position?
apple.x=30; banana.x=70; apple.x=banana.x+30; banana.x=80
What is apple.x=100?
(The banana.x=80 at the end is irrelevant. Apple value updated to banana+30. Banana.x at the time was 70. 70+30=100
I founded Microsoft, the world’s largest personal-computer software company.
Who is Bill Gates?
A placeholder for a piece of information that can change.
What is a variable?
____ is temporary and volatile memory of your computer.
What is Random Access Memory (RAM)?
Why can't you code the character sprite at (410, 120)?
What is because it would be off the screen?
What should you use to store data and create formulas?
What are spreadsheets?
(Google Sheets and Excel are acceptable answers)
I invented Google in my college dorm with Sergey Brin.
Who is Larry Page?
A _____ _______ is used in coding equations and typically represented by less than, greater than, and/or equal to. (Represented as true or false in coding)
What is a Boolean expression?
_______ ______ is how computers send, receive, and store information.
Binary code
What could cause an error in coding?
What is didn't call drawSprites in the draw loop?
What is spelling and grammar didn't match?
There are more potential correct answers.
How do you write decimal 11 in 4-bit binary?
What is 1011?
Lady _____ _________ is widely known as the world's first computer programmer. Which of the statements from the article helps describe the impact of her work on the world of computing today?
Who is Ada Lovelace?
sprite.x=sprite.x+2 would be an example of?
What is a counter pattern?
Which of the following is in charge of managing the interaction between user applications and hardware?
What is an Operating System?
A set of instructions to complete a task in coding is called?
What is an algorithm?
What is binary 0010 0111 converted into decimal? (Use your Flippy Do)
What is 39?
Charles Babbage, known as the "Father of Computing," was responsible for the development of the ________________________________.
Analytical engine
Difference engine
What is the difference engine?
What are the rules for naming variables? (Name at least ONE)
What is can't begin with a number?
What is must contain no spaces?
What is spelling must match?
An invention including tools, machines, techniques, and/or power sources.
What is technology?
A ____ ________ is a programming construct that allows you to execute a certain block of code based on whether a specified condition is true or false. It typically uses the keyword "if" to check the condition and can include an "else" clause to define what should happen when the condition is false.
What is a conditional statement?
What are the numbers of memory we used in Flippy Do for memory (8-bit and 4-bit)?
What is 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, & 1?