True or False: Policy Council does follow by-laws and operating standards.
How does the Board become aware of reportable health and safety incidents?
Located on the ECD Management report.
How does the program develop and deliver usable information to governing bodies to inform about fiscal decisions? (multiple options)
1. CEO's monthly report
2. Balance Sheets
3. CFO responsible to keep bodies updated on variances
4. Annual Audits
What social-emotional program is used in ECD to support children, families, and staff?
Conscious Discipline
True or False: Leadership opportunities exist for families throughout ECD.
How does CAP Board support the program?
Fiscal Responsibilities
True or False: A review team will not want to see how the ECD program supports and assists children and families with being connected to necessary health and oral care including referrals, resources and how families overcome barriers.
How many days does a board member have until they must be trained in ERSEA?
180 Days
OHS requires what percentage of slots to meet and maintain children with a diagnosed disability?
Lead classroom staff are required to have what type of degree?
Associates or bachelor's in early childhood or a related field.
What area did ECD receive a federal review on during the 2023-2024 program year?
CLASS (Classroom Assessment Scoring System)
What is the funding that ECD receives to support the nutritional needs of the children?
CACFP (Child-Adult Care Food Program)
How is the Board involved in budget development?
Department VP will prepare the budgets. Budgets proposed and submitted with a narrative explanation of the sources and uses of funds. Department VP may need to explain all material fluctuations in budgeted amounts from prior years, if asked.
The CEO will review the budget prior to presenting it to CAP Board for approval.
This person is employed by the program per OHS performance standards to provide mental health and social-emotional well-being to children, families, and staff.
Behavior Specialist Consultant
What are ways in which staff become engaged in the program?
HR Survey
One-on-one meetings
How does the board become aware of program planning?
What was the area outlined on the PIR that was lower than the state or national data?
Dental Follow-Up Treatment
What is ERSEA an acronym for?
What is ECD's continuous goal as a result of the annual self-assessment?
To implement strategies to provide positive supportive work environments.
How does communication take place between Policy Council and Board?
Policy Council Board Representative
What research-based coaching program do we use?
Practice Based Coaching
There are five areas that are monitored for Health Services during a review. Can you name three of those five areas?
1. A child's health and oral health status care
2. Children's nutrition
3. Expectant family information
4. A child's mental health and social and emotional well being
5. Safe and sanitary environments
This assures that we are serving the neediest of the needy children and families, and also ensures that children and families are prioritized according to need on the waitlist. This criteria is also approved by the board.
Selection Criteria
How is staff's mental health supported by CAP and ECD?
EAP, Wellness Credit, TED, Trainings, Reflective Practices, Conscious Discipline
How are enrollment, attendance, open staff positions, children with disability, budget, CACFP, and program updates communicated to the board?
ECD Management Team Report