Say three synonyms for RICH
well-off/loaded/with money to burn/rolling in money
New shops appear every day.
spring up
My parents rarely give me pocket money, so I am always on a _________ budget.
My granny couldn't persuade her neighbors to collect their garbage from the garden.
My granny__________ her neighbors to collect their garbage from the garden.
didn't succeed in persuading
That's a nice dress she's wearing tonight, ______?
isn't it
Say three synonyms for POOR
hard to make ends meet/live from hand to mouth/be broke/short of money
Before I buy something expensive, I try to find information about it on the Internet.
check up on it
Impulse _________ are not a good idea because you spend a lot of money.
It's a shame you didn't tell me!
You_______ me.
ought to have told
A: I am not going to lend him money ever again!
Aren't you?
My city has a very exciting//, _____ nightlife!
If I buy sth online and I don't like it, I never return it, I just give it to my friends.
send it back
We buy so much and use things for so little, because we are a __________ society.
I've seen nearly all Harry Potter films.
I've seen _______ Harry Potter films.
nearly every one of
Don't forget to call me,______?
will you
Mary is always full of energy, eager to help, she's larger________.
than life
When was the last time you spend a lot of money on a nice pair of jeans?
pay out for
I never go _________ hunting, because it's impossible to do in Moldova.
Tom will probably waste all his money on new clothes. You know what he's like.
Tom _________ all his money on new clothes.
is bound to waste
Let's talk about this problem, _____?
shall we?
How Sam managed to scrape through his final exams will always remain ______.
a mystery
You've spent 300$ this month only, you have to reduce your expenses asap! You should go to many different shops before buying things you like!
cut down on
shop around
If we want our country to prosper, we have to support _____ producers and not to buy mass-produced things from international _____ stores.
It wasn't necessary for you to buy bread.
You ______ buying bread.
needn't have bothered
Nobody has received an invitation for Pete's wedding, ____?
have they