4.2G Decimals to Fractions
4.5D Area & Perimeter
4.4H Word Problems
4.5A Represent Multi-Step Problems

Clara drew 5 stars. She colored three of the stars blue and two of the stars red. What fraction of the stars is NOT blue?



The area of a rectangle is 28 square centimeters. The length of the rectangle is 7 centimeters. What is the width?

4 centimeters 


The 4th grade is going on a school trip to the zoo. 146 students are going to the zoo, and each car can hold 5 students. How many cars will be needed for all of the students to go on the trip?



Mrs. Thomas bought 6 cartons of eggs. There were 12 eggs in each carton. The next morning, she used 7 eggs to make pancakes and 6 eggs to make cookies for later that day. Which equation below shows e, the total number of eggs remaining? 

A. e = (6 + 12) - (7 + 6) 

B. e = (6 x 12) - (7 + 6) 

C. e = (6 x 12) + (7 -6) 

D. e = (12 / 6) - (7 +6) 

B. e = (6 x 12) - (7 + 6) 


The Woodlake Elementary fourth grade built a garden that is 25 1/2 feet long. What decimal represents the length of the garden?



The perimeter of a square is 140 meters. What is the length of one side?

35 meters 


There are 31 days in the month of January. Michelle did 45 push-ups each day of the month. Of those push-ups, 437 of them were done with her arms wide apart. The remainder of the push-ups were done with her arms close together. How many of the push-ups in January were done with her arms close together?



Francis bought 65 cookies. She ate 13 of the cookies and put an equal amount of the remainder of the cookies in 4 different containers. Which equation below would find c, the number of cookies in each equation?

A. c = (65 + 13) / 4 

B. c = (65 - 13) x 4 

C. c = (65 / 13) - 4

D. c = (65 - 13) /4

D. c = (65 - 13) /4


Mr. Johns was measuring some boards for a bookshelf he was building. The first board he cut was 68.9 centimeters in length. What fraction shows the length of the board Mr. Johns cut?

68 9/10


In the NBA, a basketball backboard is 72 inches by 42 inches. The backboard in the Carson Elementary gym has the dimensions of 48 inches by 36 inches. What is the difference between the perimeter of an NBA backboard and the one at Carson Elementary?

60 inches 


Micah buys 85 tickets at a carnival. He keeps 35 tickets for herself and gives the remaining tickets to her 2 friends. If each of her friends gets the same number of tickets, how many tickets does each friend get?



Robert earns $16 per hour. Last week, he worked 4 hours on Monday, 5 hours on Wednesday, and 3 hours on Friday. Which equation would help you to find m, the amount of money that Robert made last week?

A. m = (4 x 5 x 3) x 16

B. m = (4 + 5 + 3) x 16 

C. m = (4 x 5 x 3) + 16 

D. m = (4 + 5 + 3) / 16 

B. m = (4 + 5 + 3) x 16 


Audrey has a coin collection of two quarters, two dimes, four nickels and one penny. 

While she was cleaning her room, she found another quarter, two dimes, and seventeen pennies. How much money does she have after cleaning her room?



Sebastian had a rectangular piece of paper that was 100 meters long and 40 meters wide. He cut the paper in half. What is the area of each half of the paper in square meters?

2000 square meters 


A baseball league bought 3,976 new baseballs this year for $3 each, which is the same price per baseball as last year. Last year, the league paid a total of $11,240 for all of their baseballs. How much more did the league spend for baseballs this year than last year?



The art club is selling packages of cookies for a fundraiser. Each package of cookies has 4 oatmeal raisin cookies and 6 chocolate chip cookies. If the club sold 38 packages of cookies after school, which equation would help to find c, the total number of cookies sold after school?

A. c = (4 + 6) + 38 

B. c = (4 x 6) x 38 

C. c = (4 + 6) x 38 

D. c = (4 x 6) x 38 

C. c = (4 + 6) x 38 


On Saturday it rained 0.08 of an inch, and on Sunday it rained 0.2 of an inch. How much more does it need to rain for the area to have 1/2 an inch of rain?

0.22 inch


What are the dimensions of a figure with an area of 12 square cm and a perimeter of 14 cm?

3cm by 4cm 


There are 84 boxes of candy bars in the freezer at the grocery store. Each box has 26 candy bars. After unpacking all of the candy bars, the store manager placed an equal number of candy bars on 6 different shelves. How many candy bars were on each shelf?



Johnny walks the same distance around the neighborhood when he walks his dog. First, he walks 5 blocks from his home to the park. Then, he walks 3 blocks to the store. Finally, he walks 4 blocks back to his house. If Johnny walks his dog 4 times every week, which equation would find b, the number of blocks that Johnny and his dog walk each week?

A. b = 5 + 3 + 4 + 4 

B. b = (5 + 3 + 4) x 4 

C. b = (5 + 3 + 4) x 7 

D. b = (5 x 3 x 4) + 7 

B. b = (5 + 3 + 4) x 4 
