If you are going to be late, how long before your shift must you call?
30 minutes
A woman cannot harass a man
How often are you paid?
Bi-weekly on Fridays
Are sweatpants allowed as uniform?
Who is our Director of Operations?
Brandon Tatro
If you are not coming in for your shift, how long before your shift must you call out?
2 hours
Harassment can happen while on or off the clock
What is the Rockstar Line?
Phone Number to use to call if running late or unable to work.
If you hair is past your shoulders, does it need to be pulled back?
Who is our office manager?
Rebecca Klatt
Where can you find the Associate Handbook?
With the office manager, on workplace, and in the hub
When it comes to Sexual Harassment, it’s the impact of the behavior on those who are exposed to it, not the intention of the instigator that matters.
What system do you use to request UNPAID time off?
Hot Schedules
What brands of hats are you allowed to wear?
Topgolf, Callaway, or Travis Matthew
Who is able to approve your availability changes?
Cassie Leach or Shea Herbert
Other than race, age or gender, name an aspect of diversity.
Culture and national origin, Sexual orientation and gender identity, Disability and health status, Religion, Education and work experience, Economic or social status, Marital or parental status, Political affiliations and opinions
There are three ways Sexual Harassment can occur. The first is verbal, what are the other two?
Visual and Physical
What is Zedic?
Wellness Check application you submit when you are not feeling well.
Are Doc Martins or cowboy boots uniform approved?
No, must be athletic shoes.
Who is your scheduling manager?
Support - Ryan Lopez
Golf Services - Sydney Duclusan
Bar - Samantha Roberson
Bayhost/ Events - Patrick Chavez and Ernesto Hernandez
Name one way you can combat bias
• Change your mindset
• Recognize your own biases/Be mindful of your personal behavior
• Forgive yourself and ask for forgiveness when you demonstrate a bias.
• Accept people with differing backgrounds from yourself/ Listen and seek to understand similarities and differences
• Watch for others who demonstrate biases/ Do not ignore bias/call it out when you see it/Educate others
Name one way you can react to Harassment, especially Sexual Harassment?
• Tell your Harasser to stop, if you are comfortable doing so
• Tell any Manager
• Use Topgolf Speak Up to report to HR
What is the phone number of the Rockstar line?
What must be on your outer most layer?
Your name tag and the Topgolf logo
What is the proper spelling of our office managers name?