All About MSF
A Touch of Class
Worldly Wisdom
Very sporting
Linking up in Lincoln

While we're Friends with them, MSF is itself one of these organizations, which don't make money and don't affiliate with a certain body.

What is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization?


Most introductory classes have this course number, now synonymous with new academic beginnings.

What is 101?


The Earth is considered to be in this region of the solar system, named after a classic English tale.

What is the "Goldilocks Zone?" (or Habitable Zone)


Nebraska is entering its second year with this man at the helm of its football team.

Who is Matt Rhule?


Lincoln originally had this name, which it shares with a current county in roughly the same spot.

What is Lancaster?


In 1999, MSF received this prestigious honor for their various humanitarian projects around the world.

What is the Nobel Peace Prize?


UNL typically tops out at this credit hour count for full-time students, only passable with advisor/department approval.

What is 20?


This country just recently passed a neighbor to become the largest in the world by population, with 1.4 billion people.

What is India?


This country won the last FIFA Women's World Cup, as well as the Men's European Championship.

What is Spain?


This organization has offered many an internship to UNL students, giving them prime opportunities to engage with the Lincoln community while also earning some cash! It's right next to Bagels and Joe!

What is the Intern Foundry?


MSF was first founded in 1971, in response to this type of humanitarian crisis in Nigeria.

What is a famine? (Biafran famine)


Conversely (see 200), this is the minimum hour count to be considered a full-time student.

What is 12?


This country, with population 517, is the smallest in the world.

What is Vatican City?


This man has been the coach of Nebraska's volleyball team for 25 seasons.

Who is John Cook?


This picturesque spot in LNK has an interesting name, given that Nebraska is itself a landlocked state. Where could it have wrecked itself?

What are the Sunken Gardens?


In addition to doctors, some founding members of MSF had this profession. Now that's news to me!

What is a journalist?


This 2011 superhero movie, staring James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender, revived its respective series, although its most famous character (portrayed by Hugh Jackman) only appears for about 20 seconds.

What is X-Men: First Class?


Within 10, how many countries are there in the world (As recognized by the UN)?

What is 195? (193 member states of the UN, 2 observer states)


The 2028 Summer Olympic Games will be held in this city, the third time it will have hosted.

What is Los Angeles?


Lincoln was named for Abraham Lincoln, this numbered president in the US canon.

What is 16th?


While it was founded in Paris, MSF's headquarters have since been relocated to this country, whose administrative regions share their name with a Chinese city since renamed to Guangzhou.

What is Switzerland? (The administrative regions are called cantons)

If you're struggling with a class in certain departments, you can go to these places to get support from instructors, TAs, and your peers!

What are resource centers?


This freshwater lake, the largest by volume in the world, is located in southern Siberia.

What is Lake Baikal?


After his first game for the Cornhuskers, Dylan Raiola widely received praise, including from this star athlete who tweeted/Xed "Lil cuzzo" for a particular TD pass of Raiola's.

Who is Patrick Mahomes?


This nonprofit has had a solid presence in Lincoln for about 2 decades, and sees two members of the FoMSF Executive team serve there! Très cool!

What is Lincoln Literacy?
