What makes u famous
Followers likes
What is it called when people go on ur profile
ur story
What is my dads username
Who do u love most on facebook
Mom lol
Does messenger have telegram
Yes boii
What do u browse videos on
What is ur brothers snap
Who do u know on Instagram
My dad mom kaylynn juni Billie jo Valerie
Who is ur brother on face book
Who is the main character of this and has messenger
U girl :)
What are they called when people watch ur vids
What would be my name for u on snap Tina?
Cute queen tina
Who loves instagram
WHO DO U HATE ON facebook
People u don’t know haaahahaha lollll
What do they call it when u are famous
Tiktok famous
Who do u know most that has snap
Mia, adrianna
What do u call it when u are streaming on instagram
What apps are grouped with facebook
WhatsApp instagram messenger snap
Who is a girl name starts with a ch last name ends with io
Charli d’melio
What is the icon of snap
Ghost emoji
What is Gia‘s favorite yt and has instagram
Trinity and beyond
Who does not have facebook
Me and Gia Yea boiii hahahahahah. Lol