The country Jamie is from.
What French fries are made of.
A round dish some schools served as breakfast.
The British name for French fries.
Pasta in a sauce made of dairy.
The area Jamie is from.
A country and an American dish.
The sugary drink students drank in the US for lunch.
Flavoured milk.
Something green you can serve as a side to Fish and chips.
Peas/mushy peas.
Small and round, made with baking powder to make them thicker, served with something sweet.
American Pancakes.
The name of the big change in school food Jamie tried to do in the US.
Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution.
Origin country of Maple syrup.
Where you eat in schools.
Dining hall.
Something drinkable you can add to the batter to make it crispier and more colourful.
Meat, glazed with barbecue sauce, best eaten with hands and served with French fries or baked potato.
Ribs/spare ribs.
The TV-serie where Jamie began his career.
The Naked Chef.
A salad and a dictator of the Roman Empire.
This many fewer (in percent) drank milk when Jamie banned flavored milk.
How the fish was transported in the early 20th century in the UK.
By train/railway.
English name for a spicy dish from India.
The year Jamie was born.
The English name for "näringsvärde".
Nutrition value.
The state where Jamie visited a school in Huntington.
How many million portions of Fish and chips are served each year in the UK.
About 300 million.
A pie made of minced lamb in a sauce of broth, onion, peas and carrots covered with mashed potatoes.
Shepherd's pie.