How many Calories are in one cup of Whole Milk ?
Named after a French dish this Disney movie is about a chef that is a rat
In Kung Fu Panda Po's dad makes this dish
Secret ingredient soup
How Many Oreos are in One serving
How does one gallon of milk cost
How many calories are in one Egg?
In Breaking Bad Walter White Threw This Food on the roof
In 30 Rock there is this mysterious sandwich that no one knows where they got them
Teamsters sandwich
How many Doritos are in One serving
11 chips
How much does a bag of ice cost
How many calories are in one avocado?
At the end of the First Avengers They all eat this middle eastern dish
What billy Madison eats in the lunch room
Sloppy joes
How many veggie straws are in One serving
38 straws
How much does a Big Mac cost
How many calories are in one Small Mcdonalds fry?
The Comedy Movie Harold and Kumar go to this restaurant
White Castle
In the SpongeBob movie him and Patrick eat this at the bar
Triple gooberberry sunrise
How many French fries are in One serving
15 fries
How much does one Jack Links bag of beef jerky cost?
How many calories are in a 10 piece chicken nugget from Mcdonalds
Homer Simpson makes this breakfast food for his midnight snack
Moon Waffles
In the Office Kevin spills his famous this food
How many Takis are in One serving
12 Pieces
How much does a box of uncrustables cost?