
What is 'Creme brulee a la lavande' flavored with?

Lavender; Creme brulee's origins are disputed between the English, the French, and the Spanish, but the lavender version is very nice after a meal in a restaurant in Provence. The lavender is a subtle flavoring to the top of the perfect flan.


What is the name of the fermented milk drink popular in India and Pakistan, often flavored with spices or fruit?



Are all oranges orange in color?

No; Oranges are a subtropical, not tropical fruit, and so the colour of an orange depends on where it grows. In subtropical regions, the temperature isn’t cold enough for the skin to turn orange. This means the orange could stay green or yellow, even when it’s ripe!


Recognizable by its fluffy meringue, this pie is prepared with a shortcrust base, and filled with a lemon custard. It is usually served on its own, but can be topped with cream or custard.

Lemon Meringue Pie; Lemon infused custards have been around since medieval times, but the meringue  was perfected in the 17th century. Prepared with egg yolk, lemon zest and juice and starch, this sturdy, baked pie is best known for its fluffy white meringue topping, baked until light golden brown.


What is the name of the cocktail made with rum, coconut cream, and pineapple juice?

Piña Colada


What is the world's worst smelling fruit?

Durian; The fruit grows on the Durio tree and grows in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. Apparently it smells of rotten eggs, sweaty socks or even garbage.


How many times are biscotti biscuits baked?

Twice or two times; Biscotti biscuits originated in the Italian city of Prato. Twice baked foods were a staple of the ancient Roman army. Biscotti dough often has almonds added to it, and after the first baking is cut into oblong slices. Then it is baked again. The extent to which it is baked the second time determines how dry and crispy it is.


Which type of tea is known for its relaxing effects and is often consumed before bedtime to aid sleep?

Chamomile tea


What fruit do humans share 50% DNA with?



Black Forest cake is named after the Black Forest region from which European country?

Germany; 'Schwarzwälder kirschtorte' (as it's called in German) is named for the Schwarzwald or Black Forest region in Germany. The physical area got its name because the trees grow so thick that sunlight has a hard time penetrating the boughs.


what fruit has poisonus seeds on the inside?



The Japanese dessert anmitsu is made of cubes of agar jelly served with what two ingredients (which give the dish its name)?

Bean paste and sweet syrup; The agar jelly can be made using water to dissolve the agar, or you can use fruit liquid for a more tasty jelly. These are placed in a bowl with some anko, a sweet bean paste used in many Asian desserts which provides the an- part of the dish's name, and a selection of fruits. The sweet dark syrup called kuromitsu (literally black honey, and responsible for the -mitsu part of the dish's name) is then poured over the jelly, and you're ready to dig in!


What color is pure caffeine?



What fruit does a lemon contain more sugar than? 

