what are the ways of steak
Rare, Well, Medium Well, Medium, Medium Rare, Tar-Tar
What is the first company to use Santa in the logo
What is Arbys theme
Arbys we have the meat
What is the purplest food
Blackberries, eggplant, Grapes
what is a tomato
how big is shrimp
small or 1.5 to 3 in
what is the christmas sprite
where is the place that Harmon Dobson founded
water burger
are blueberries blue
no there purple
what is pasta
A) Grain
B) flower
C) Grian
A) Grain
what is the size of bacon
1/16" a piece
who is the god of wine
Dionysus Bacchus
where was the first mcdonald's location
1398 North E Street at West 14th Street in San Bernardino, California
what do help with
Is hummus
A) Dairy
B) Potein
C) Meat
B) Potein
what is the main ingredient to salad
Pieces of vegetables, fruits, eggs, or grains mixed with a sauce
cane you make soda into wine
how to say burger king in dutch
burger koning
whats healthy at Mcdonalds
apples slices in the happy meal
is a pumpkin a vegtable
how is a cake made
who made the first soda
Dr. Joseph Priestley
how to say Mcdonalds in german
Mäckes, Mecces, Mcces, Mäckies, Goldene Schwalbe
is the grimace shake healthy
do fruit snacks have fruit in them